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cool temp tropicals


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hi everyone

i have 210 litre tank with 4 young fancy goldfish 3 young plec and 3 young siamese agae eaters. My tank is run at a contant 21 degrees with a ph of 7.5 and hardness of 7 drops of liquid to colour change sorry dont know the correct way of writing that down.My query is i would like to add some tropicals to the tank such as either platies, mollies or guppies what i after is something to live in the middle to upper lvl of my tank. I like something with a schooling habit. the goldfish will be moving on to a bigger tank once room is painted and this tank will become my first tropical tank.

any suggestion would be great

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lots of food for thougth there, will all the fish mention above be ok with catfish and angels which i plan to add once i remove goldfish, will they take the same temp as angels and hoplo catfish

just dont want to mix wrong fish together.

is the leopard fish a type of catfish or danio i type in leopard fish and catfish and danio came up just not sure which one is the leopard fish.

thanks for all the help

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They actually do look like a guppy to me IMHO. A female looks exactly the same except of course for coloration, the black spots.

But the male has a longer gonowillie in size comparison to the guppy.

In fact they look so much like the infamous gambusia, that some ill-informed MAF inspectors demand the disposal of them.

DUH !!

Alan 104

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Port Hoplo Catfish are very gentle and handle both cool and tropical waters. I have 2 in with my orandas and they are doing really well, better than my orandas and they are also very hardy so when you bring the temp up in your cool tank there won't be any problems.

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