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My overflow thinks its a Skimmer please help. !


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Thats not good, your nutrients must be sky high, or you've put soap/detergent in. Bubbles look scarily white and soapy :o

This is a cycling tank yes? If so, some decent water changes needed now.

Yes is is a Cycling tank this only stated once i added the dry rock :-?

I did a few tests today

SG: 1.025

pH :8.2

Ammonia: 0.500

Nitrite: 0 ppm (mg/L)

Nitrate: 0 ppm (mg/L)

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dry rock has loads of dead organisms on it hense your high nutrient levels.

You can do water changes during cycle but as long as you have no stock in there, wait til you get nitrate readings then start some good water changes. You will continue to shed muck from the dry rock for some time, so keep being patient, and dont be fooled by some telling you to add fish quicker, the longer you wait the better.

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dry rock has loads of dead organisms on it hense your high nutrient levels.

You can do water changes during cycle but as long as you have no stock in there, wait til you get nitrate readings then start some good water changes. You will continue to shed muck from the dry rock for some time, so keep being patient, and dont be fooled by some telling you to add fish quicker, the longer you wait the better.

Big help thank you Puttputt i have places some filter wool so its now above the water level in the sump that has stopped the foaming so at least the foam wont overflow. So what % water change do you think i should do. and yep no live stock for some time yet ha-ha i want to do this wright the first time.

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you could be doing 30% water changes every couple of days if you want to

bacteria levels will rise to match the nutrients available

as nutrients drop so bacteria will drop as well with die off

exporting the nutrients through skimming or water changes will help to keep a level playing field

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