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discus egg help


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hi there fish keeper

i have got two qestions

firstly: i have got 2 blue turqs and 1 blue diemond and to rising suns and 1 of the rising suns some times hids behind to plants and was just wanit to know what i could do to make him or her come out the front more??

secondly : my blue diamond 1 of my blue turqs layed eggs about 50 and was just wanting t o know they had probley been there all day and then they ate them at night ad what wanting to know can i cemove the eggs so the parrents can eat them if i mimick the discus faning the eggs ??

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the parents will kill thsoe eggs and eat them if there are other discus in that tank.

if your emove it and they hatch, they will die cos they need the parents.

Anyway, the rising sun and why it keeps hiding.

you will alawys get discus that are shy.

i have a school of 20 and 7 babies in the grow out tank.

the 20, 3 are more shy than the rest. they are smaller too.

but they will get mroe confidence.

hiding places too works.

Line of sight breaking works well.

im not a discus expert yet:D but i am a quick study, buyign 20 and having a big school from 7 starting off, i have seen the dymanics of their school change.

also feed in separate spots. so all of them can feed.

i find that when i fed in one spot, hoping to force all of themt oc ome out.

what happens is that the top dogs feed, when they are done. the others come.

sometimes by then there isnt much left

i now feed all over teh tank and just drop food in 3 feeding holes.

this awy, there is food EVERYWHERE.

everyone now can get a good portion of food whcih makes them less shy

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the parents will kill thsoe eggs and eat them if there are other discus in that tank.

I have to disagree with this. My two pairs of discus managed to raise their fry to wrigglers in a tank that had 6 discus in it. The discus were not the problem, the harlequins were in that the moment the fry started swimming they were an easy dinner.

The eggs were only eaten when the pair was young and then it was only the male. Aftr about 6 months it was no longer an issue.

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