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Apisto. agassizi var. Double Red spawn


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Apistogramma "Steel Blue" are just as nice as agassizii, and you can buy them from $20-30 a pair. Trifasciata are nicer than steel blues, and they're about $50 a pair. Eunotus are realitavely cheap too, and they're really nice. Macmasteri aren't too expensive either, but they don't look very good. They have quite muddy colouration.

Laetacara curviceps, or Dwarf Flags, are nicer looking than some Apistos, and grow to about 8cm, and you can get good-quality fish for as little as $10 a pair!

Steel blues or eunotus are about all you will find on that list unfortunately the others may have been cheap when they were first brought in but now there are none around (I am unsure if there are even any pairs left after the Chch earthquake) they could be worth alot more.

Cockatoos are nice fish and easily available and cheap bilbo on here has a tank filled with them and is selling them for something like $30 for 5 unsexed ones you could grow them out in a 2fter and then thin out what you don't want as you can sex them. Agassizi would be no good in a 2ft tank as Phoenix has said before spawning the male is aggressive and then after spawning the female is aggressive, I guess you could do it with a divider if you were really really good at watching the tank and figuring out when to remove it etc.

Steel blues are nowhere near as nice as agassizi, and there is no comparison between true borellii (an amazing fish) and steel blues (which are commonly sold as borellii).

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I had the privilege of seeing these fish today.

Great job P44 they are looking really good and growing many times faster than I thought they would have.

Thanks Win. They certainly have grown fast. Reading this thread and looking at the millions of pics I took as they grew up makes me feel happy as! :D

are those pots just normal ones from a plant shop or do they need to be special ones ?


Just normal ones from a landscape place. They don't leach colour and are like $1 each.

This is them today -




Might keep this male actually :lol:

Hasn't even coloured up yet.

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