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CO2 System Problem


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Yea so just got all my CO2 System setup today, went and got the tank filled, (i have a 12OZ paintball tank)

Connected it up to the system, slowly open turned it on. It was going great for about 10 seconds then stopped. And the regulator showed that the cannister was now empty.

There cant be any leaks on my CO2 system where the tubing connects, because the tubes are well fitted on with about 1cm of overlap, and they are very thin tubes for the fitting, IE they were very difficult to put on lol.

Also im using CO2 tubing so there shouldnt be any escape from there.

Any ideas whats happened? Could it be my regulator is maybe putting out to much CO2 for my small 12OZ tank?

Or maybe they guy at the shop didnt fill it up properly? (if this is the case any suggestions were to get filled in Auckland?)

Pictures of my gear here : http://www.ubiladesign.com/ubilablog

Any help would be appreciated.


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Hey so i tried it again like 3 hours later, unscrewed the regulator then screwed it back in, then the presure reading on the regulator went right back up, and the co2 started working again...

Very odd...

Do you need to leave the tanks for a while right after a refill?

Also only about 5% of the difuser surface area has bubbles coming out, (we have it turned down to 1 bubble per second at the moment) - is this normal at low rates?

Im going to upload some more photos to my blog in a min http://www.ubiladesign.com/ubilablog


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Also only about 5% of the difuser surface area has bubbles coming out, (we have it turned down to 1 bubble per second at the moment) - is this normal at low rates?

Wow! Your glassware looks fantastic, love those lily pipes. :bow:

My diffuser was the same when new, I've got it cranking at about 4 bps at the moment and it's great guns. Maybe you could give it a short burst to see if that helps?

Do you have a solenoid set up on that regulator?

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Also only about 5% of the difuser surface area has bubbles coming out, (we have it turned down to 1 bubble per second at the moment) - is this normal at low rates?

Wow! Your glassware looks fantastic, love those lily pipes. :bow:

My diffuser was the same when new, I've got it cranking at about 4 bps at the moment and it's great guns. Maybe you could give it a short burst to see if that helps?

Do you have a solenoid set up on that regulator?

No were not using a solenoid, some people say its not necessary?

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