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oh fish keepers whats your power bill in the winter


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I know several people who run dehumidifiers in fish rooms.

keeps smell down

makes spending time in room more pleasant and for a non subjective...yes everyone this is me being objective

dry air is easier to heat than moist air so costs less....also running of dehumidifier along with lights and the like adds residual heat so dirty great big expensive inefficent heaters dont kick on and off quite so much but hey....why would YOU run one in your room?


Ditto I run a dehumidifier in my fishroom the air coming out of it is warm and it helps dry out all the little spills and stuff :)

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Sounds a bit high even with the price increaeses.

Our last one was 210 or 185 after PP discount which isnt too bad considering its winter and we have a family of 4 but only 1 tank (120ltr tropical).

Ok this month was 270 and based on a read so average out with last months estimate we are looking at 240/month before PP dicount. Still think its pretty reasonable.

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I have posted before on this subject recommending you look at joining powershop.co.nz

I am forecasting a saving of approx $600 - $700 for the year!!!!

Savings are not as great in the winter but there are some great specials in the summer months.

They have a promotion at the moment : if I send them your email and first name they will give you $50.00 credit if you join and I get $25.00 credit. There is nothing for you to do to change over and if you do not wish to continue they will change you back at no cost. You can go to their web site and if they are able to supply you they will tell you the min guaranteed saving. In addition for all power you use during the day at weekends they give you 5 cents per unit credit!! PM me your email and first name to get an invite to join - absolutely no obligation.

You will not regret it.


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