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Best way to cycle a new tank?


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I've just bought a 120cm tank. I want to reuse my sand/gravel, driftwood,plants, filter, ornaments and fish from my 100cm tank.My partner is going to do the same, using his 60cm tank and upgrading to my 100cm tank. I know major mission. What is the best way to do this? Where do I start?how long will I have to leave the tanks to cycle? Any thing else I need to think about?

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I prefer to use mature media from an existing set up and then increase the number of fish gradually. If I can't do that then I use fishless cycling. You can also 'seed' the filter with a commercial products like TLC Smart Start.

There is some good info about fishless cycling here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=43660&p=473162&hilit=fishless+cycling#p473162

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I've just bought a 120cm tank. I want to reuse my sand/gravel, driftwood,plants, filter, ornaments and fish from my 100cm tank.My partner is going to do the same, using his 60cm tank and upgrading to my 100cm tank. I know major mission. What is the best way to do this? Where do I start?how long will I have to leave the tanks to cycle? Any thing else I need to think about?

Best way? Move the contents of the 100 into the 120, move the contents of the 60 to the 100. You basically should not need to cycle the tanks.

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when i upgraded from my 34 L tank to the 160L one, i just moved all the gravel and filter media and transferred the same ornaments and driftwood, plants etc. There wasn't much water to make a difference but i added that too and topped up with the extra gravel and noodles I needed.

The existing bacteria did their job because the fish numbers were the same and I added new fish slowly over several weeks. I also use TLC bacteria which helps things along.

I didn't get any ammonia spikes so it all went quite well.

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