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corydoras help

barny trouble

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Hi Guys, i've got a bunch of 8 pygmy corydoras, one of them has started lying on the gravel motionles on his side, breathing fairly rapidly. he trys to swim but always ends up on his left side. colour is normal, and all other fish in the tank are behaving normally. gave him up for dead four days ago but he keeps hanging on. hes staying on the bottom, not rising for air as the other corys do sometimes.

any advice would be appreciated.

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Your cory may have had a stroke. Can you put him in a container within your tank so he doesn't have to make such an effort to move around and come up for oxygen if need be. If he's gasping he is struggling and probably needs to be nearer the surface. Mine come up for air at times especially when they are playing in the evenings.

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cool, will put him in a floating container and see if that helps. Most corydoras come up for air as they are used to being in water with low oxygen levels similar to the way gourami's will occasionally take a breath of air, and it is essentail for them to be able to.

tank temp is 26 and air stone breaks the water surface, i beleive the stroke theory is the best so far.

thank you.

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I think euthanasia might be the best option if he isn't getting any better by now. There are literally dozens of possible causes for those signs so it is hard to really pin down a treatment. :(

Clove oil is a good euthanasia agent. It is available at the pharmacy and you only need a few drops in a cup of water.

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