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Probably a stupid question but have you asked your lfs?

One of our lfs get the odd crab come in during an import, i wouldn't be suprised if your lfs gets the same.

As for the local crabs, been there done that, they slowly died over a period of three weeks i think they dont like the warm water as other people found simular trend with their's.

But lately i've been getting the local shrimps out of the rock pools, they're pretty cool and they don't die.

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I think rockpool hermits and shrimps survive 'better' if you acclimatise them really slowly (like over a day), temps (think about how hot the rockpools get over summer) not so important, its the other stuff that gets them, try leaving them in the bucket that you collected them in and drip in tank water slowly so that it takes a day to fill, then adjust the temp over 30 minutes or so before dumping them in.

You will still lose some (most) and from what I've heard about 12 months is the max they survive anyway.

I have a couple of shrimps and hermits that have been going for around 6 months, the hermits are great to watch climbing (and falling) off rocks, but don't forget to collect some larger shells for them to move into once they get fat eating all the crap out of you tank.

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You need an excuse to go to the lfs?? :roll:

Critters in rock pools usually only have to withstand hot temps for a short period of time in between tides. Constant warm water can kill them.

I had hermits and shrimp from rockpools for a couple of years but they were in a cold water tank.

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Shrimp and starfish do fine so far, I had a crab that did fine too, until I kinda...Killed him.:( The hermits are a bit more complicated. There are some that are kinda hairy that I've tried, they only lasted a few days. Smoother ones that I had lasted a lot longer, I'm not sure if the heat killed them or the fact that I didn't think about the fact that the food I was feeding them floated and they couldn't get it...

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