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Videos of my Lake Tanganyika tank


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Thanks ,the altos are gold heads ,trophs -13 ikolas ,4 black caramba and 1 dub ,they seem to all get along really well .i think if the caramba were by themselves there might be an aggression problem,but imo because there is so much activity with the ikolas,the caramba's can lose one another when being chased,i guess the issue would be when theyre at breeding age/size weather to seperate them or not

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Thanks ,the altos are gold heads ,trophs -13 ikolas ,4 black caramba and 1 dub ,they seem to all get along really well .i think if the caramba were by themselves there might be an aggression problem,but imo because there is so much activity with the ikolas,the caramba's can lose one another when being chased,i guess the issue would be when theyre at breeding age/size weather to seperate them or not

cool, gold heads are a really nice looking fish as are all the altos IMO. i think your right, the aggro will most likely start at breeding age as the males will be competing for dominance for breeding rights. Just be aware the ikola & caramba are very likely to cross breed to.

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One of the cool things in this tank is keeping the alto's and the ocellatus together ,the ocellatus spend alot of time filling the shells up with sand ,then when they are covered the alto's come along and remove all the sand ,and then it starts all over again! Theres always something interesting happening in a tang tank

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I got warned about 'bloat' with my Africans to the point where i was actually made paranoid about it; until i realised it was just that- paranoia, but marginally justified.

Fed them what good african keepers would - spirulina this and that and sea weed and green this and what have you...

and also fed them colour bits, cichlid gold, aro pellets, bloodworms, brineshrimp and meat - what is advised against.

didn't lose a single fish, and boy were they healthy and active.

Incidentally all fish foods are 'omnivorous' in that they all contain fish meal and shrimp meal. Even the spirulina ones.

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:evil: I disagee with your opinion Phoenix. You may be lucky with your fish and many people are...

Africans are not= africans. They also have different requirements for different species.

What africans did you had/ have??

I saw many african tanks and some people keep africans with arowanas and others... but it doesn't mean they do good job on fishkeeping. :oops:

Didn't you sold your africans and started planted tank cause of some problems??? :o

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they are fed a mixture of the following

-Hikari cichlid excel mini pellets

-Hikari algae wafers

-Nutrafin spiralina flake

-jbl novorift

-mashed pipi

-freeze dried brine shrimp

All my fish are healthy, if you follow the fish diet guidelines to the letter you would have to keep each tank with an individual species,which is pretty boring ,watching how the fish interact is half the fun

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What africans did you had/ have??

I had dems, yellows and 8 ps. snow whites.

Didn't you sold your africans and started planted tank cause of some problems??? :o

Yes, I did sell them. Terrible water buffering problems and pH swings. it was quite weird. However, it had nothing to do with diet.

I also missed the plants :P so went back to my planted tank. :wink:

I think you should try plants sometime :lol:

do you feed your fish spirulina flake maaxim?

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The diet is built for the trophs,leleupi,juli's ,probably not ideal for the oceallatus and altos,however they seem to be going well , the julis breed every 4-5 weeks so plenty of eggs/fry around usually for the micro predators to eat ,if you watch the video you can see some of the altos hanging around the barnacles where the juli's nest.

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I think you should try plants sometime :lol:

Yes I would like to get planted tank like yours.... sometime. That looks great.

do you feed your fish spirulina flake maaxim

I give my fish a lot of different type of food. Spirulina flakes, Spirulina granules, Hikari Cichlid excel, Brine shrimp flakes and frozen ones,

also give my fish a bit of green peas and brocoli and from time to time daphnia.

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it sure does make a nice mix cichlid_fan, i feed shelled peas & sushi wrap in addition to commercial foods & they love it.

I must post a video one of these days of my "tropheus rugby" matches. i throw in a large shelled pea, too large for them to swallow & one will pick it up & try to swim away with it, the others will chase him down & grab the pea & try to swim away. it goes on for ages & is hilerious to watch.

I got warned about 'bloat' with my Africans to the point where i was actually made paranoid about it; until i realised it was just that- paranoia, but marginally justified.

Fed them what good african keepers would - spirulina this and that and sea weed and green this and what have you...

and also fed them colour bits, cichlid gold, aro pellets, bloodworms, brineshrimp and meat - what is advised against.

didn't lose a single fish, and boy were they healthy and active.

Incidentally all fish foods are 'omnivorous' in that they all contain fish meal and shrimp meal. Even the spirulina ones.

this is good advice, i have had africans for 3 years or so & have fed a wide range of foods. everything from commercial fish foods to peas, sushi wrap & bloodworms without a single bloat case. its variety that keeps them healthy.

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That is a sweet tank :) Good work!

I think that variety is the key with diet.. I know alot of overseas forums seem to have heart attacks when they see tanks like this and freak out about how to feed them. It is very easy to believe these things or just try it for yourself obviously being sensible about it and not chucking half a tray of bloodworms in every day.. I have seen a few tropheus in random tanks around the place fed on nothing but frozen food and normal fish flake and they are fine.

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i have had trophs for long enough now to realise they are just another african with a different paint job & a down turned nose. :lol: relax & enjoy them i say. if you can't handle the idea of loosing a fish that cost as much as them than stick to the common cheap africans.

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