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new to discus help please


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well its my birthday comming up and I was thinking of getting a few baby discus for my display tank. I have done some research and have had/breed tropicals for many a year lol, but just wanted to know how different discus were to keep.

And if it is worth getting into lol.

Any help from people with experience would be great.

Thanks in advance!

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Baby discus and display tank don't really go together unfortunately.

Baby discus need to be grown out in a bare-bottom tank with daily water changes till they are at least 6cm. Because they need to be fed frequently (and with high-protein food), are sensitive to parasites/disease and also release lots of hormones which stunt their growth (if they are allowed to build up), it is a big no-no to put them into a community/display tank.

I think that you should either set up a seperate tank to grow them out in or buy ones at a larger size. Regardless, you are still looking at frequent water changes on your display tank (>1-2 a week) to keep nitrate levels down.

There is a lot of good info out there. But just be aware that some sites are a bit outdated. Discus do prefer soft water with a low pH but not as low and many sites state (unless you want to breed them)...this is because a lot of the information was written referring to keeping wild-type discus as opposed to the ones bred in tanks for decades.

well its my birthday comming up and I was thinking of getting a few baby discus for my display tank. I have done some research and have had/breed tropicals for many a year lol, but just wanted to know how different discus were to keep.

And if it is worth getting into lol.

Any help from people with experience would be great.

Thanks in advance!

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I would have to agree

If you get "baby" discus then put them in a bare bottom tank and feed and water change the heck out of them.

Once at size you can add to yor display tank when you dont need to feed or water change quite so much.


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I bought a few adults and also 2 babies (3-4cm) and put them in separate tanks. I found that growing out the babies has been really rewarding, especially now they have started getting their colour! But then again, I have their tank right next to a sink so water changes are a breeze.

If you have the extra time and spare tank, then it will be a worthy present :)

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