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Green Aro , starting to get angry


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My Green Aro Willow aka Mr Asia ,Is starting to get angry with my 2 clown knives Ronnie and Reggie , giving them a chase and a bite , any ideas ?TT eel and Red tail gg are ok , As i dont really want to part with knives and definitely not Aro 8)

its going to get worse isnt it ? :(:(

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take it out of the tank for awhile rearrange then put back in

provide more hide places for knives

get a bigger tank

that is what i would tell someone else :oops: , its hard when you are attached , just want a happy monster community ,it was going so well :-?

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Get some big bits of wood they can shelter under to break up the line of sight. Mine was fine with smaller fish (too big to eat of course) but with my 13" dat he would occasionally get a bit grumpy and give him a nip and chase when the dat was out. Most of the time the dat would lurk under a big piece of wood and so long as he wasn't out in the upper level of the tank the aro ignored it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah, i have had this problem.

knives and arowanas cans ometimes not like each other.

maybe cos they are both bony tongue, same shape around about.

but i had exactly same problem with my rtg.

they wre ok, and when i moved, suddenly rtg snapped and kept on harassing it.

simple fix i reckon.

drift wood may hurt your aro but definately h elps. but whats gonna happen, well happened to me is that the knife WILL never get out, as it does, aro will chase it.

what id id was introduce a oscar in there.

oscars are robust, and will eat in any condition.

also i added the tinfoil barbs...

the distraction was enough to stop the arowana.

if that doesnt work, maybe send it to anger management school - as the crusaders who they send their players to:D

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