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Hi from Timaru


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Hi everyone, stumbled on this forum while trawling through the gazillion websites available to novice fish fanatics!

I'm returning to fish keeping after more years than I'm willing to admit!! :wink:

So far I have sitting on the sideboard a 60l tank complete with long grassy stuff, feathery plants, some tiger somethingorather and crypts (the one name I did manage to remember!!) The tank is a Hailea and came with an internal filter, 100w Elite heater, gravel, food blah blah blah........ brilliant as my brain has turned to mush after raising two kids to teenagerhood! Oh and for some reason know only to himself (himself being my dear long suffering husband) ..... a wreck of an airplane carrier :roll:

Now the waiting game for everything to settle down before introducing some livestock!

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So far I have sitting on the sideboard a 60l tank complete with long grassy stuff, feathery plants, some tiger somethingorather and crypts (the one name I did manage to remember!!)

lotus? :D

Welcome to the forums :)

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Welcome to the fishroom. 60L is not very big so you need to keep to the small species. Have you considered whether to get live bearers or egg layers? If you choose live bearers (guppies, platies, etc) you will quickly be over-run with fry.

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Have you considered whether to get live bearers or egg layers?

I'm not too concerned either way - I had guppies and neons last time - can't for the life of me figure out why I had those two together (probably the salesperson at the petshop and my gullibility!!) and of course the Neons followed behind the Guppies picking off the newborns!

Basically the hardier the better - I have a very poor track record with house plants so I'm hoping I don't have brown fingers when it comes to fish!

The otherhalf was drooling over the whopping huge tanks (probably more for the huge sunken plane!) but lets learn to walk properly before we run a marathon :D

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Actually, setting up and maintaining a large tank is easier than a small one. If something starts to go wrong in a big tank you have time to notice and adjust things to correct it before anything too terrible occurs. With small tanks the fish can be dead before you realise something is wrong :(

If you want hardy, I would suggest egg layers like danios, rasboras and tetras. Most of these are schooling fish though and need to be in a group of 6 or more. 60L is not very big so you will be limited in your choice. I would suggest cherry barbs, with corys on the bottom.

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