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Favourite parts in favourite movies

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OK, so what is everyones favourite scene(s) in a movie?

One of my fav movies is anchorman and the news crew rumble scene is just too funny for words.

Ron: "Did you throw a trident?"

Brick: "Yeah! there were horses, a man on fire and I killed a man with a Trident"

A second favourite scene is from Hot Rod, when Rod does his angry dance in the forest and proceeds to fall down the hill for like a solid minute. I cried from laughing too hard. Then I rewound it, and cried some more.

What are your favourite movie bits (they dont have to be funny)

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One of my favorite movie scenes is when Andy Dufresne breaks out of Shawshank and stands on the river bank in the rain in The Shawshank Redemption, incredibly powerful. And then when Red finally finds Andy on the beach in Mexico, I always bawl like a baby.

Mine is when the warden is throwing the little chess pieces around Andy's room after he disappears and one goes straight through the poster and the look of realisation on his face.

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Mine is when the warden is throwing the little chess pieces around Andy's room after he disappears and one goes straight through the poster and the look of realisation on his face.

I love this bit too.

How about the bit at the beginning of Up? The montage of their married life. Now that's a tearjerker.

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"no, Tommy, I know you can't shoot, what I'm saying is that 2 pound peice of **** in your pocket would do more damage if you fed it to him"

"My partners name is Tommy, tells people that he's named after the gun, but I know he's really named after a famous 17th century ballet dancer"

After tyrone squeezes himself out of the door of the car taking a good long while:

"I thought you said he was a getaway driver, tell me what the **** can he get away from??!

"lock, stock and two smoking barrels" and "snatch"

My favourite movies. David R, it seems has good taste too!

I would honestly consider turning homosexual for Jason Statham. :hail:

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Flicking through the telly last night I came across a little known NZ movie called Hidden, was approx an hr into it when i found it. Just seemed to be a montage of young peoples running through the bush, panting, growling and acting like they'd over dabbled in the wee acid tabs.

But something about it drew me in and I kept watching, it was rather painful at times with overly long periods with no dialog, and extreme close up shots, and it also kept flicking from one small group to another spontaneously as well as flash backs.


Then all of a sudden it all fell together when one of the girls realized one of their group was missing, they ran around screaming his name and finally found him standing in a clearing looking at a plaque, it is then revealed that this film is based on Cave Creek and the missing friend is the only survivor of the collapse of a viewing platform and his friends are all ghosts roaming around lost and confused in the bush. I found this revelation quite shocking and what I thought was a terrible film suddenly became a work of art, everything suddenly made sense. All I can say is it's worth a look, but just be patient and open minded.

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