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discus chewing and spitting.


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just got discus, some are eating already,k picking at the floating pellets and the sinking discus pellets i put in.

but they take it in, small bites, then chew and spit some out.

do you think they take in a little bit each time and spit out the rest?

why do they do this?

why not just swallow each bite?

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well, they are going for massviore lol so yes!:D

and floating pellets

but i wanna get them used to a fiscus food, sinking micro pellets, they are going for it.

3 are already clearly eating, maybe 4. only 2 days in the tank:P

im impatient

i will want them to eat the discus pellets more so. but we will see i guess.

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they are all eating.

well, funny, tell me if this is the experience of most if not all discus keepers.

the viking pellets are too tiny, they ignore it (please someone buy it off me cos all my fish are too big! its on the TnE section)

anyways, i got colourbits, i think they were also being fed this at the breeders.

they are eating c gold floating and colourbits.

but, they have to wait that its sompletely soaked and soft.

then, theyw ould take a big chunk, and spit out 20% to 50% of it and the rest probably swallow.

they hardly ever seem to take a mouthfull and just take it in, they seem to constantly chew, and partially spit out the food.

really funny how they eat

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