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My First planted tank


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Hey everyone,

I have decided to start a planted tank :bounce: yay, I haven't got any experience with aquatic plants, I was inspired by a whole bunch of planted tanks on youtube, and thought you all might like to watch my tanks set-up progress.

Bought this tank off a friend, AquaOne AR620, came with the driftwood. :)

Just added some cuttings of Hygrophila angustifolia, hopefully they take off.


A bit boring at the moment I know.. I need a background to hide the cables, lol

What do you all think so far? any suggestions?


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done a whole bunch of research, I'm still a n00b when it comes to plants but this has been great fun, and I am lapping up the chalange. and I can't wait till I get some fishes, hopefully I will get 2 zebra danios tonight, from a friend.

Thanks to Caryl :hail: I have new plants :bounce:

Red Rotala, Dwarf Sag, Crypts, Java Fern, Java Moss, Tiger Lotus, and Hygrophila angustifolia.

I need more light for these plants, have just ordered a new 10K fluro light, the pictures look brighter than is actually is.




Needs a bit of tiding up.

Oh noes, I think now I want a bigger tank... or another one.. hmmm

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A week later.. :bounce:

I've added a DIY CO2 Setup, a little crude, but will do until I get a proper diffuser.

Painted the back, thanks dyinggoldfish. :bow: and bought new lights.

I'm looking after my friends fish while their new substrate is installed,

5 Neons, 2 Zebra Danios, Guppy, Bristlenose Pleco, and 2 swords, ontop of that I just bought 3 Oto's, :o so I'm busy doing water changes almost 5% everyday, got to be real careful, lots of fish and a new tank.



Thoughts? suggestions?

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