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Silver Dollars Spawning


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I have moved my silver dollars to a larger tank (2 females, 1 male & 2 juveniles), they have been in there for just over a week and one of the females has started spawning with the male. I collected some of the eggs out before the loaches ate them (they are now severely bloated from their feast). Most of the eggs have gone cloudy (presumably I have damaged them getting them out of the tank) about a quarter still look fine, so hopefully babies in a few days. Now that they have started spawning, how often will they do it and what’s the best way to get the eggs out without damaging them?

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put some flat stones in and they might lay on them so you can remove them easier and put a air stone next to them and add some meth blue

hope that helps

I think Silver dollar dont laid egg on stone? they bomb eggs all over the tank that what i hear.

I had more than a dozen in a tank they still havent sprawn yet.


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lots of live food and veg for these guys. Big spawning mop will help too. Normaly lay in long plants like most tetras but good luck keeping plants with them haha. Cool that they have spawned for you, good luck for the future breedign!!!!!

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