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can someone try and get on the hippo site for me


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I made an internet order yesterday for some test kits but did not receive the usual confirmation email. SO I emailed them, yesterday and again today to ask them about it and heard nothing.

SO I went back to the site to get the phone number and now can't get on the site.. nothing but a blank page.. wondering if it's just my computer..

can someone try and get on the site and get the phone number for me so i can ring them and ask what's going on.

Have ordered from there before without probs but this seems strange. If I didn't get the confirmation email I'm wondering if my order is lost in cyberspace... or if they are still running at all.


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ok, i got the phone number a different way .. google . Rang them and it went straight to messaging so still can't get a hold of anyone.

Maybe they are on holiday.. (it's an educational supplier) - wouldn't have ordered if that were so .. but there was no indication on the site to say so and they are usually open for school holiday workshops.

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the sister site (oracle education) is also "broken"


I wonder what I should do about my order. It was only yesterday so I guess I'll wait a few days and try again. If they've ceased to exist I will have to buy elsewhere but just want to know what is going on because I should have received an immediate confirmation when I made the order.

They sell aviverm wormer (levamsiole) too , which can be hard to get sometimes. (it's under the bird section)

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