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Blackest sand/fine grit tanks


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Hey guys, I filled my 6ftr with white silica sand, but frankly its not cutting it :roll: I'm pretty keen on a super dark sand/fine substrate, people with this as your base could you please post pics :D Also where do you get it, anything specific that aint aquarium safe?


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Sweet as guys these look cool, i think the silica sand is too reflective imo, i want a more natural appearance like Gills, looks nice btw, Ive got yoyos too, so much fun to watch. My 6ft consists of bichirs and they change colour according to the colour of the ground stuff, also I want my new Jardini to come across dark with pink rather than a silvery colour.

how much was the stuff you bought Gill?

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Now you have got me!!!!!! i bought two sacks i think they were about $30 each, 15kg in each. I have a little left but your tank is a lot bigger. I have it pretty deep in places. Give Stone and Water world a call ,the lady there put me on to it straight way. Just make sure they have it in stock as at time their stock levels are low especially after the weekends. My Yoyos love it, actually all the fish seem to enjoy it. Still have some snails but not as many.I just need to get the plants sorted out. Might change my lights to a blue tube as the Ambulia is stringy....One day i will get it right. :P:P:P

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