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Stocking for a 4 foot tank (expert in natives needed)


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Hi all, i am looking at finding some good fish for my 4 foot tank, but i want some reasonably large fish, seen as i have a large tank. Currently i have 10 golden barbs, 1 penguin tetra, 1 yellow pleco (like 5cm long only), a siamese algae eater, and a missing rainbow shark :-? Anyway, i am posting on another forum, if your interested ill post link at the bottom, its not a nz forum just another 1, and so far i have come up empty as the few good 1s suggested are not allowed in NZ, so someone suggested some natives, and i found a couple cool 1s, but i know nothing about them, so can someone fill me in on which 1s are freshwater, and which 1s are friendly enough for my current stocking. Also anyone that has suggestions for non native fish that grow big-ish that i could have is very appreciated. Thanks all, oh and 1 more thing, the following are the natives that caught my eye the most so these are what i need info on the most,

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=nativefish <---- Natives Page URL

Galaxias argenteus (the yellowish one)

Gobiomorphus huttoni (the one with the reddish fins at the bottom of the page)

and maybe even Cheimarrichthys fosteri, the grey one at the top.

And my thread on the other fish fourm -----> http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/325378-stocking-ideas-for-a-4-foot-tank/page__gopid__2703657entry2703657

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Hi there,

I recommend you do a whole lot of background reading in the natives forum, it is a pretty good resource these days on how to keep various species and what the requirements are. I know that sounds like work and a bit of a cop out on my behalf, but you will learn so much more that way.

Also this site will give you some good basic species overview information, and invaluable distribution maps:

http://www.niwa.co.nz/our-science/fresh ... fishfinder

Hehehe you seem to have spotted the three main charismatic species! Galaxias argenteus (giant kokopu) and Gobiomorphus huttoni (redfin bully) can be found together in slower water, but neither really lives with Cheimarrichys fosteri (torrentfish) as they like mad-fast water.

I highly recommend bullies to anyone interested in natives. There is a bit of variety of species (though they can be hard to tell apart initially). They are are easily found, easy to care for and adjust to captivity, and have awesome stroppy little personalities and are very active. They will spawn readily in aquaria but only non-diadromous ones can be raised in aquaria as the juveniles don't go to sea.

Hope that helps! Natives rock :bounce: (though I am probably biased ;))

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I'm a little confused as none of your current fish can be kept with natives.

Natives need really really cold water, even elevated summer temperatures cause them problems, and what you have now would only be happy / survive in water that is over 24 deg C.

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Yeah dude, you'll need a separate tank with completely different conditions, you may have to even resort to a cooler of some description for summer depending on where you are, as P44 said, room temp during the summer months will prove fatal.

I suggest you do research and read up on our native fish before you even consider it, as they're very precious and many are rare, to lose some to a newbie with no clues would be a shame.

Good luck.

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