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dying fish survivors need temp accomodation


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hi there.i have a large concrete fish pool in my back yard app 6000 litres.ive had it for quitea few yrs now but unbeknown to me the tosser block layer used lime in the cement.I did seal it at the time with a bio sealer but i think im still getting lime leaching into the water which is killing the fish.My question is does anyone in the HB area have room for about 150 of my family to come and stay for a couple of weeks while i sort this headache once anf for all.any suggestions most welcome.thank you

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hi there.i have a large concrete fish pool in my back yard app 6000 litres.ive had it for quitea few yrs now but unbeknown to me the tosser block layer used lime in the cement.I did seal it at the time with a bio sealer but i think im still getting lime leaching into the water which is killing the fish.My question is does anyone in the HB area have room for about 150 of my family to come and stay for a couple of weeks while i sort this headache once anf for all.any suggestions most welcome.thank you

So, basically the tosser block layer used cement in your concrete? Most cement is produced using lime. Without cement your concrete is just a pile of gravel and sand.

Have you checked the PH? A big water change should help if the concrete is raising the PH.

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Portland cement, the basic ingredient of concrete, is a closely controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron and small amounts of other ingredients to which gypsum is added in the final grinding process to regulate the setting time of the concrete. Lime and silica make up about 85% of the mass.

I would suggest trying to find some of this http://www.cemix.co.nz/cemix-pond-trough-sealer/

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If this pond has been up and running for several years are the fish only dying recently or have they always done so? I too have seen concrete ponds with fish living happily in the high pH as a result of no sealant. Goldfish are very tolerant of a very wide range of pH and a high one is not usually enough to cause death. I wonder if you have another problem, not leaching.

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Hi there again.I thank you all for the help and advice but this doesnt help me rehouse my fish while i remove them and get their house sorted.I have had another one die today and i dont know what to do :( I have had it for quite a few years and to be honest we did lose a few a couple of years back.It has a bio filter filter and plenty of water movement.I have removed app 5000 litres of water over the weekend and replaced app 3000 from the tap.I had the water tested and Hastings water is fine.Still needing a solution.Thanks again

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We were thinking if we could work out the real reason for the deaths then you may not have to rehouse the fish while you fixed the problem.

I breed fish outside in a 6ft round pool from The Warehouse (the ones with the rigid sides, not the blow up ones)

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