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K.O. Is back with me!


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:o For those of you that don't already know. ages ago I had a dutch jungle like tank with angels, plecos, apistos and catfish. I had these 2 angels that were totally in love with each other and were inseparable. Any how, all the fish got on fine, until the great tank disaster of 2008 Ithink it was, and some weird disease wiped out most of the fish within 24 hours or so.

This angel fish's husband died. :( and then she went mental.

Like totally mental. think bridezilla to the max. she killed all the other angels in the tank. she ripped their eyes out, fins, scales, stomachs... and then attacked me when i went to remove the bodies. I removed her from the tank and put her in another tank with bigger angels, and the next day - she killed them all too. :o

she grew heaps after that, and I kept her with some africans for a while then put her in a 2x2x2ft tank for the best of a year. finally when i pulled that tank down, i put her at animates palmy, with the discus cause she acted as a dither fish and they liked hanging around her.

in the mean while, I tried giving her away to a good home, and no one wanted her. so she just stayed with the discus at animates.

Now, finally, she is back home! she won't harm even the smallest of fish - neons, baby fish etc... but put an angel in there....and its dead. :o :-?

That's why her name is K.O. It stands for Knock Out, cause she will knock out any other angel fish. she even gets angry at her own reflection.


I'm so happy she is back home :D she eats entire sticks of hikari aro pellets in a single go, and then comes back for more.

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that tiny little bump above her snout... she looks like she has a constant frowny face 8)

hey what if you had her in a tank with a mesh divider and had a boyfriend on the other side? she could get slowly used to him (before chomping him) and then maybe they could live in harmony?

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hey what if you had her in a tank with a mesh divider and had a boyfriend on the other side? she could get slowly used to him (before chomping him) and then maybe they could live in harmony?

Its been tried... she just spends all day and night attacking the other angel through the mesh / glass. its like she has a spastic fit - she twitches and goes completely mental. :o

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