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Eeek new driftwood!


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I have just been offered some really nice piece(s) of driftwood in replacement of $25 of plants.

Do i take it? They are very thin and spindly. like what amano has in many of his videos.

Will upload pics soon as they are on other comp!


i will probably take out the current driftwood if i decide to take it.

But that would mean re attaching the anubias and java fern. And how would i attach african fern to it and make it look good?1 EEK :(

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I cant afford them, so i will take what i can get. Will refere you to him if you want. =P

http://s916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ood003.jpg

http://s916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ood002.jpg

http://s916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ood001.jpg

Im really keen on driftwood number 1.

(the last link)

"Will you HAVE to redesign?? My friend, you will GET to redesign. What could be better? "

Thisis true.

But then it looks silly for a few days. And then i want to buy more. But. I am 100% broke.

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1 would also be my pref.

I may have to do extra house work this weekend. Incase he wants me to pay for it.


Why cant everyone spend all night on their computers like all COOL people?

It so frustrating when you want someone to reply to an email but they dont! :(


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How many tanks are we talking?


You said "EASILY tie plants to wood ..."

I can never manage to do it EASILY.

What knots do you use to fasten it?

The first knot is easy for me. then i just wrap it around the rhizome and wood. But i can never finish it off very easily...

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Hey, there is a heap of great wood like that over in Greymouth on the beach by the cemetary. Free (if you can make the trip). I haven't found any good wood around here though - it all looks good but then when I get it wet I find out it is rotten. :-?

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I haven't found any good wood around here though - it all looks good but then when I get it wet I find out it is rotten. :-?

I was searching on here ages ago for "driftwood" and "christchurch" and after looking through a few pages I spotted a post by someone saying Waikuku Beach was a good place to go to find driftwood. So I went, as soon as I got onto the beach I found 2 awesome pieces; 1 of which is now in my tank. I just had a look outside to try find the other but it's gone. It's not too far out of town and the beach is nice so if you are keen for a drive I recommend it. There was a fair bit of wood when I went, but I could have just been lucky.

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Waikuku is north of Kaiapoi, have a look on google maps and you'll see. I was really surprised too about this wood in particular, I think it looks really nice under water. It's a bit pale but not white. Here's a pic.


That is what it looked like as soon as I got home from the beach and put it in. I've added more plants in the tank now and I'm happy with how it looks.

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super glu could work.

not sure what brand tho.

rubber bands look horrible.

And dont always fit the wood well.

If you go to dollar value/2 dollar shop/variety store.....look for hair ties, small black rubber band type ones. They are way smaller than rubber bands and not as thick. Possibility anyway, fitting on the wood might still be an issue if you're tryna fix the plant to a thick piece of wood, although i can fit one around my wrist and my wrist is big.


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