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First ever tank


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I too have been having a battle with algae of a different kind and the only thing not mentioned in the previous advice is the phosphate.

If you don't have a test kit for that, take a test tube of water down to the pet shop and get it tested, you might find part of the puzzle.

Best idea is to take a tube of plain tap water and a tube of tank water and compare the 2. I figure my feeding is to blame for excess phosphate in my water as it's clear when it comes out of the tap :oops:

My algae is making inroads to come back and the daily dose of flourish comprehensive seems to keep some of it at bay but I haven't managed to eradicate the main culprit staghorn algae yet - phosphate in the water is the last thing I am yet to conquer.

disclaimer: if your kind of algae is not affected by phosphate I'm sure the gurus will put me straight :lol:


further, what is the benefit of starting the plants off in a small layer of water over starting them off in a full tank but without the fish?

Hmmm might take some water samples to the LFS. Clearing it is easy, stopping it all together is hard work. I think phosphate contributes, but im sure only in excessive amounts (more than the plants require). Im hoping the WC keep it at bay.

As for starting plants off in shallow water, main plant in question is glosso. Starting the glosso off in shallow water will allow the light to get to it easier, where as if the tank was full, the intensity of the light is not as great, enough to reach the glosso at the bottom. Starting the glosso in shallow water will give it a better chance as it has a high light demand. Give it time to establish and carpet before filling the tank. I guess patience would be the key to this, especially if you cant resist a tank without fish. :lol:

Either shallow or full eventually a good light setup is needed. My experiment was trying to do it under DIY budget lighting.


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Couple of Q's for ya.

Have you tried many different mixed in your reactor? Im trying a new batch today, using half brown half castor sugar and baking soda which apparently makes the mix produce CO2 for longer. Also what brand/type of yeast? Im using the tasti active dried yeast, but previously had excellet success with brewers yeast. Ill see how this new yeast and different mix goes and let you know anyways.

Also, where did you get your lamp? Ive been looking around alot for one that holds the bulb horizonally rather then vertically with no success (for a cheap one anyways)

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Couple of Q's for ya.

Have you tried many different mixed in your reactor? Im trying a new batch today, using half brown half castor sugar and baking soda which apparently makes the mix produce CO2 for longer. Also what brand/type of yeast? Im using the tasti active dried yeast, but previously had excellet success with brewers yeast. Ill see how this new yeast and different mix goes and let you know anyways.

Also, where did you get your lamp? Ive been looking around alot for one that holds the bulb horizonally rather then vertically with no success (for a cheap one anyways)

I have tried different mixes and recipes from online sources. Brewers yeast is supose to better than bakers as its used for brewing a similar mix when making alcohol. Have tried brown and castor aswell. But only have used edmonds yeast. Some people have said that dissolving the sugar and water, and the yeast and water seperately, then combining. I think the baking soda regulates the reaction.

Either way i decided to go with 2 bottles connected to one inlet, seems to be going fine, im controlling it with a airline valve. Although its still not a controllable setup. Im looking into buying the equipment needed for C02 injection setup. If you go to the warehouse,bunnings,mitre10 you can buy small cylinders of c02 in the sodastream product line for cheap.

As for the light, mines a phillips brand desklamp from mitre10. Cost me $45 on special which included the bulb. Before buying it consider looking at "Switched on Gardner" website for light kits, just the light fitting itself is about $15 i think. I got mine more for the design look (didnt want my setup looking toooo bad lol.

HTH :bounce:

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Either way i decided to go with 2 bottles connected to one inlet, seems to be going fine, im controlling it with a airline valve. Although its still not a controllable setup. Im looking into buying the equipment needed for C02 injection setup. If you go to the warehouse,bunnings,mitre10 you can buy small cylinders of c02 in the sodastream product line for cheap.

Got sodastream bottles working on that, but there are a few smaller tanks I want to get the little reactor nailed down.

As for the light, mines a phillips brand desklamp from mitre10. Cost me $45 on special which included the bulb. Before buying it consider looking at "Switched on Gardner" website for light kits, just the light fitting itself is about $15 i think. I got mine more for the design look (didnt want my setup looking toooo bad lol.

HTH :bounce:

I like the style too, would work well with my smaller tanks and the areas Im wanting to put them, $45 on special, looks like Ill be making something then :P

Thanks heaps for the help, hows the tank going anyway?

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Well with the water changes and routine maintaining, its looking better and the hair algaes growth is slowed right down. It is still there though :x

I haven't put any rocks or wood back in the tank, i dont think i want to put driftwood back at all as it does clutter up the tank a bit.

I went to Gisborne in the weekend and stopped in the gorge, got some rocks :) some rough jagged dark brown ones.

When I got home though, my Neons number have reduced from 6 to 5??????????????????????????????????

I have no idea where the other one is or has gone, nothing outside the tank anywhere, nothing inside the tank, on the bottom or floating on the top. No way any other animal could get in the house to get at the tank, and I dont have any other animals. My only guess is that if it died the other fish may have eatin it :cry:

Got sodastream bottles working on that, but there are a few smaller tanks I want to get the little reactor nailed down.

I like the style too, would work well with my smaller tanks and the areas Im wanting to put them, $45 on special, looks like Ill be making something then :P

Thanks heaps for the help, hows the tank going anyway?

Yeah I want to use the proper co2 cylinder on the next tank when i get one :D

The light wasnt cheap by itself normal retail. I wanted something better looking than the bold desk lamp, more because of where my tank is. I was gonna DIY lights but it wouldnt have looked that nice.

Here hoping with a better budget the next setup will be better.

Tank is going ok, still a bit of hair algae in there but not as bad as before, i think its slowly reducing in growth.

If you want some nutrient absorbers just flick me a PM bro, heaps of cuttings need a new home.

Thanks bro, you would have any riccia??? Another member was sending me some but I could save them the trouble.

Thanks everyone :bounce:

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I have no idea where the other one is or has gone, nothing outside the tank anywhere, nothing inside the tank, on the bottom or floating on the top. No way any other animal could get in the house to get at the tank, and I dont have any other animals. My only guess is that if it died the other fish may have eatin it :cry:

Ah, the case of the missing fish. It seems everyone has a story like that. Sometimes they just disappear without a trace! :o

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Ah, the case of the missing fish. It seems everyone has a story like that. Sometimes they just disappear without a trace! :o

I just dont get how I cant find it, I understand that fish can jump out of the water, but its nowhere to be seen. Ill be forever looking for the 6th one, maybe it did Nemo styles and got to a sink and down the pipe?? :-?

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Im having a moment of grieving for the loss of 2 fish.

I had gone to Gisborne in the weekend, when I returned I could only see 5 Neons instead of 6. Couldnt find it anywhere.

Taking into consideration that Otos scurry around a bit under the plants, I assumed there were still 3. But on Monday arvo I had discovered that 1 was missing. Looked everywhere again for the missing oto.

I put it down to an unexplainable phenomena that my fish were missing.

Wednesday I recieved some Riccia from a forum member (thanks!!) and did a little mainto on the tank before adding it.

I inspected the filter as it was running a bit slow, the filter wool was quite clogged up so I took that out and gave it a blast. Put it back in only to find the filter was still slow. Closer inspection reveiled that both fish had somehow broken through the inlet filter basket and were sucked up the pipes :cry:

Only a few remains were found.

Atleast I can put my mind to ease.

I decided to stuff a little but of filter wool into the filter inlet basket, stop any more fish trying to get up there.

UPDATE: The remaining fish are healthy and well. The glosso is still growing well and also the hairgrass. However the glosso still fails to carpet and wont anymore really, with the newly added Riccia floating, limiting light to the bottom. With the addition of Riccia hopefully it will keep all the algae at bay. Its already Pearling :o

Its been such a learning curve, and I can see where MTS sets in, after setting up one tank, you have more knowledge and therefore in your head have planned how you want the next tank to look :lol:

I want my next tank to be simple but bold in colours......future plan 8)


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The fish have been dead and then as a result got sucked up the pipe. Not that they got caught in it in the first place.

:oops: I noticed the start of the inlet, the filter basket thingy was open wider than usual. Fish go stiff when they die. To get into the inlet they would have had to slither in. I think they were being too curious, i know one of the neons (the smallest one) was extra curious, and also one of the otos. If they were trying to do what nemo did and block the impeller with a stone, they were unsuccessful.

I think what happened was they got in there, couldnt get back out, could only stand swimming against the inlet current so long, then eventually got exhausted and died :cry:

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UPDATE: The remaining fish are healthy and well. The glosso is still growing well and also the hairgrass. However the glosso still fails to carpet and wont anymore really, with the newly added Riccia floating, limiting light to the bottom. With the addition of Riccia hopefully it will keep all the algae at bay. Its already Pearling :o

Its been such a learning curve, and I can see where MTS sets in, after setting up one tank, you have more knowledge and therefore in your head have planned how you want the next tank to look :lol:

I want my next tank to be simple but bold in colours......future plan 8)


If you want to let the light to the bottom - here is what I have done...


Same rock a few weeks later...


The mesh is a shower loofa stretched over a stone (and riccia) then held in place with a cable tie.

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Wow Jazzyjeff that's gorgeous!


Good idea, might do that with the riccia in a few days, with having it floating its limiting the light for algae, and unfortunately the glosso. Trimming will solve that when i get to redesigning.

I can see your glosso too, good luck on carpeting it 8)

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UPDATE: To anyone who is having some major algae problems, get riccia :lol:

Since I added this sponge to my tank it has literally won the battle against algae (hair algae). The hair algae was definately out growing the tank previously and showed no signs of slowing. After some quick mainto, I added the riccia which I received from another forum member. All is now going well, and the tank is looking a lot better. I still dont think ill put the driftwood back, but do want some rock work in there.

Couple of quick shots on the small cam




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UPDATE: GUPPIES!!!!!! Got 2 guppies today on a whim. Pics Below. They are quite full of character, get on well with the other tank mates, and love the colours. The tank is still going well, the riccia effect has proven itself, instead of it floating I may wrap it to a rock as suggested by Jeff. Still need to add my rockwork to the scape :o

check out the tank in the killies thread by Deepsound - he's got a greened-over look like yours and with little fish too :D

:o I want some of those fish, and those plants. Pity we cant get some here :cry:

Heres the quick pics of the Guppies, will do some better ones soon enough.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Ohhh KKayyy :lol:

So as mentioned before the addition of Riccia has sucked up any excess nutrients that the algae was feeding off. The battle is over IMO. However instead of tying it to a rock as suggested, I decided to leave it floating. The fish like it better floating, especially the guppies. I still decided to add the rock work, which kinda adds a bit of focus and brings out the colour of the tank. :D The plants are doing well bar the glosso, but the sacrifice is made to please other fauna/flora in the tank. The fish are doing really well and the guppies have adjusted well. Since adding the guppies, each type of fish have schooled more.

Now theres only one thing left to do............................buy another tank and start all over again :lol:

I could ripp it all up and do it over, but instead Ill just wait till the bigger tank is in my lounge. After doing this "nano", ive learnt more on design and simplicity to achieve boldness in colour. So the next tank will look much better and probably easier to maintain.

Here are some pics anyway. Enjoy and thanks for looking :bounce:







The last image doesnt really justify itself but in this hi-rez one you can see the hair on the oto :o


:bounce: Awesum! That tank is looking great! That riccia really did do the trick.

Thanks Jeff, yep the riccia sure did help. Will use some in the next tank to keep the algae at bay. I guess if I used it from the start the algae wouldnt of gotten out of control.

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