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Red Eye Puffer Tank (Setup Log)


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Got 3 males the other day. Now I need females. But I only wanted 3 fish in the tank. Guess I can ask for 3 females and hope I get them, and deal with it if aggression gets to be an issue.

The tank is not nearly done, im hunting for s. subulata to grow in the background and around the wood, but nothing in the front.




Filter -


Its a 2ft tank, holds either 54 or 63L of water without any thing else in it.

A plain background (black card) will be put on the tank at some stage.

Come to think of it, they aren't the prettiest fish on the planet, but are very very cool. This is my first attempt at keeping freshwater puffer fish.

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That's one full tank :o . Looks very good though.

you think 3 will be too many? or 3 more too many?

I like the filter!

I have an AR380 that I am considering putting some Carinotetraodon travancoricus into, I think the red eyed guys grow a bit bigger?

that filter is great for growing java fern :lol:

the red eyes, red tails get twice the size if not a bit bigger than that. i really want the dwarf ones though, but I don't think it will work in a tank this size. hopefully i can get some snails for them tomorrow, my apple snails are not breeding yet.

they are sort of territorial, i saw one chase the other one away from his hole under the wood earlier this eve.

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I put some more moss in the filter, and got some plain black 'real-estate' sign form the warehouse stationary for $5 - actually less than that cause i get a student discount :lol:

now waiting on some s. subulata and that should be it I think.

Any suggestions on what else I can do?

(will I get a better response in the FW section?)

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There are two distinct species of BB gobies out there in the stores. One is Brachygobius xanthozona (8 rays in dorsal fin) and is a brackish species but can live in freshwater. They have unbroken black stripes. The other species is Brachygobius nunus and they do not tolerate fresh water.

copied from http://www.ultimatebettas.com/index.php?showtopic=196


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