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robocan and pets (fish, bird, cats)


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OK.. well we have moved and I am now back online.

Anyway... I would like to use some form of fly control that I can just forget about it. Before fish we used to get the house treated with a mist of ripcord but am wanting to use Raid Robocan this time round... is it safe for use with fish and birds?? Can anyone here vouch that they have used it with no problems.. thanks in advance., I need to get onto this soon!

I used to be hesitant about using robocan because I didn't like the thought of breathing it in on a constant basis... but the flys have got the better of me so am willing to look at options!

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My reply works for both mozzies and flies in general.

Much to my disliking Steve uses Raid automatic which as a natural one, but I still don't use them for fish fodder. No problems with Raid and the fish, though all our tanks are covered.

Don't have birds so can't help you there...

Welcome back to the forum :wink:

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thanks heir.. our tanks are covered although the lids do have air slits in them (all in one hooded tanks) .. how well covered are your tanks?

I have done a quick google and have got conflicting info.. most sites say not to use around fish tanks but some fishkeepers are reporting they do use it.

Our tanks are in the main rooms not far from where the robocan would be. (open plan)

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thanks heir.. our tanks are covered although the lids do have air slits in them (all in one hooded tanks) .. how well covered are your tanks?

I have done a quick google and have got conflicting info.. most sites say not to use around fish tanks but some fishkeepers are reporting they do use it.

Our tanks are in the main rooms not far from where the robocan would be. (open plan)

We're open plan too and have a tank in the same room that has ventilation holes in the tank lid.

Never had any issues, the cats are ohk too and they seem to eat the dead flies before I get a chance to get rid of them :roll:

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thanks everyone! your replies have given me the confidence to give it a go. I forgot to mention we also have an HRV system but I'm pretty sure the previous owners also had a robocan working.

My tanks are am AR380 and a hexy blue planet and a splish splash in the office.

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