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Have you ever asked a LFS for advice on a coral or fish purchase and been told that it is an advanced spicies requiring good equipment in your system and that you are probably better off avoiding it?

I know Alois has steered me clear of something that would have probably died and for that I am thankfull.

I have not experienced such honesty so far from any LFS.

When I purchased my copperband, the shop did not mention that they where a difficult fish to keep alive, heavon forbid they might think I am an advanced reef keeper!

your experience here?

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Both Redwood and Organisms down here in ChCh discuss each item that I purchase on how well it will do in my system and its special needs (if any). My problem in the past has been my willingness to listen to them. :oops:

I have since learned to correct this problem, unfortunately at the high price of a large dent in my wallet and loss of livestock. :(

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Nope, I've never been advised that something might not do well in my system. Well, ok, once or twice I had been but I bought the fish anyway because they were wrong. In my FW tanks anyway. I usually do my research before I buy fish or only buy them if I'm pretty sure they'll do well despite lack of specific research. All I see LFS employees as is someone to catch the fish so I don't have to get wet, NOT a source of information or advice. That's MY responsibility. If I do ask them something I view their advice very skeptically.

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Advice - here is my take on it. We have all recived bad advice, and I know I have given advice which has turned out bad too. However, ulitmatly its you (me) that is responseable for the decision. You will soon learn whos advice is worth listening too and whos isn't. Get lots of advice, and follow the one that feels right to you. If your still unsure, wait until you have more time to sort it out. Most people who give advice are doing it for the right reasons, its up to you to decide if what they are saying makes sense for the way you operate.

As for LFS advice, the advice I have had from stores, and the advice I have heard has been shocking. I personally find more value from using forums like this, RC/UR etc.

Often advice is given because of commercial reasons (what they have is what they sell, what they sell is what they know). Not always because they are trying to screw you, more likley because they don't know any better.

The best advice is saugt from someone who does't have any financial interest in your decision. Ask a shop if you should buy that Copper Band Butterfly fish, then ask me. I suspect the answers recieved will be different. As for which is right, well only you can decide that.

Not to say that the LFS couldn't be of value, but it hasn't worked out that way for me. There must be a good one out there somewhere.. . .


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Advice - here is my take on it. We have all recived bad advice, and I know I have given advice which has turned out bad too. However, ulitmatly its you (me) that is responseable for the decision. You will soon learn whos advice is worth listening too and whos isn't. Get lots of advice, and follow the one that feels right to you. If your still unsure, wait until you have more time to sort it out. Most people who give advice are doing it for the right reasons, its up to you to decide if what they are saying makes sense for the way you operate.

Excellent advice!

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