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OMG Animates just sold me Danios with whitespot


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NO!! :o:cry:

:x the guy told me it was great for curing it?!?

The same guy who sold you the danios in the first place?

Btw, did you tell them of your issue and did you check the tank that you got them from for signs of whitespot on the other fish?

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Hi AquaVitamins - was that in animalz ? i dont think he knows that much about fish - if you need some tonic i have some you can use - it does slightly stain the silica sand but i have used it a couple of times and you cant really notice it now. you are more than welcome to pop round and check out what it looks like afterwards and borrow my bottle if you dont want to go back to animates or animalz today :)

im in Devonshire Road so not far from you if Miramar is local to you :bounce:

I got it from my local store in Mirama. I told the guy, the one who owns the store, that i had brought some Danios and they had white spot. He sold me melafix ... he said it was really popular, wouldnt stain my sand and will fix my problem.
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Hi AquaVitamins,

How are your fish going? Whoops – I've just realised I've got to this topic quite a few days too late – I hope they are all on the mend now? I agree with the others so far – Melafix (an anti-bacterial) certainly will have no effect on whitespot (a parasite, not bacteria) – get some White Spot Cure and dose per instructions on the label. My local lfs (HW) actually recommended I dose EVERY DAY for 7 days (as you will notice that a day or two after putting it in, the water becomes clear again as the chemical breaks down). This worked wonderfully for me, although I did have to buy a lot of the White Spot Cure! If you do decide to dose daily, a daily water change before dosing would probably be a good idea too.

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