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highland cattle


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and this

a song by caroline about the first time Tull went to sevice some ladies

A Battle of Will

Well come on everybody,

gather round,

Pull up a chair,

and sit yourself down,

I’ve got a story to tell you,

about a battle of will,

Between a bull named Tull,

and a man called Phil.

Now this here’s,

How it all began,

One day Phil,

was driving along,

He was even singing,

a Jim Reeves song,

When out of the window,

He did see,

A Scottish Highland bull,

Whoa, what a beauty,

With golden shaggy coat,

He was pawing, at the ground,

The stud Phil,

was looking for,

He had found,

So to the farmer,

He went to see, And said

“ Would you lend,

that handsome,

beast to me?

Heifers I’ve already got,

but I’d really like to,

increase my stock,

The farmer said,

“ Yeah mate,

that would be fine,

But there’s one thing,

that’s the bottom line,

This here bulls,

smarter than,

you’d expect,

You must treat him with,

the utmost respect,

Don’t mess with him,

into his paddock,

Don’t go !!!

As I’d hate to have say

I told you so!!!.

As it would be,

A battle of will,

Between a bull named Tull,

and a man called Phil.

So to Phil’s, Off Tull went,

there were so many ladies,

this was heaven sent,

So he bellowed with,

an awesome roar,

One that you,

Could not ignore,

He was simply,

spreading the word,

Staunch was he,

Of his new herd.

Well everything was cruisy,

Everything was sweet,

But the field they were in,

Was low on grass to eat,

So Phil thought,

a risk he would take,

Up the hill,

with the electric tape,

He did not, Turn it on,

That would not be a problem,

as this wouldn’t take long.

But that really was,

A big mistake,

As Phil found out,

Much too late.

Phil then said,

“Ha!!! that showed you!!!”

The next minute,

there was nothing,

He could do,

Tull spun round,

Bowled Phil down,

There He lay, upon the ground,

The sky disappeared,

There was only Tull’s head,

Phil’s heart was pounding,

He was filled with dread,

As one strike, from a horn,

Could end His life,

He knew this time,

He really was in strife.

But a friend,

was waiting,

not far away,

Was He in earshot,

Phil could not say.

So He braced himself,

And oh man,

He yelled,

As this could be,

The last breath,

He ever expelled.


Seconds seemed like hours,

He did not come,

Phil thought,

then and there,

The battle was won.

The battle of will,

Between a bull named Tull,

And a man called Phil.

Now Tull he listened,

He knew how,

to play the game,

It was choice,

for to refrain,

Perhaps He,

just had prove,

That if you took Him on,

It was you,

Who would lose.

So Tull gave a snort,

And turned away,

You could almost,

Hear Him say,

“Cocky, this is,

Your Lucky Day!!!!

Well Phil He escaped,

With a graze either side,

But He was so.

Darned grateful,

Just to have survived,

The battle of will,

Between a bull named Tull,

And a man called Phil.

Well sadly from this Earth,

Tull has now passed,

But there are many progeny,

for His line to last,

And He never will,

Be truly gone,

As He’ll always,

Be remembered,

In this song,

About the battle of will,

Between a bull named Tull,

And a man called Phil

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