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Aponogeton undulatus plantlets


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I have an Aponogeton, possibly undulatus or a hybrid thereof, which has produced a couple of stalks that have plantlets, one has a few roots about 30mm in length, the other is younger. Do I just leave these on the stalks until the plant has a dormant stage and dies back, or should I push the stalk closer to the substrate so the roots get into it, or pick them off and plant them?

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Ta, mine grows pretty fast if I add Flourish Iron to the tank - but in saying that it is in a standard 2fter with 72w of CF 6000k lighting plus Co2 and 5ml Flourish Excel daily as well.

It had a weird patch for a while and grew two floating leaves as well :-?

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It grows fast alright!

I found this little corm rolling around in my 2ft guppy tank that had a little wirey root hanging out of it, so I stuffed it into the substrate, and after a little while - leaves! I was given this about three years ago and it sort of grew for a while and then disappeared, so was pleased that I had not killed it.

Since I upped the lighting, Co2 and ferts to get rid of the BBA it has grown into a monster, great big wavy leaves near the surface about 30mm across by 150ish long - dang, I think I need a taller tank now :-?

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