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I'm looking at getting a pair or trio of Apistos for my 54L 2 foot tank but would like some advice and help first.

1. This tank was setup yesterday afternoon so it's still a bit bare but would it be suitable for breeding them in?


2. I'll be removing the Fighter and Clown Killie that are currently in there, do the Ottos need to go too?

3. Which species is...

a. Easiest to bred

b. Nicest looking

c. Hardiest

d. Most available

4. What are some triggers for spawning?

5. What type of food do the eat?

That's all I can think of for now.

Thanks for any info! :hail:

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HI SamH,

I am not a dwarf expert but I would suggest more plants maybe and some drift wood perhaps to help load the water with tannins etc. but I am not sure what you are running in your filter to soften the water

as for speices I have



P Pulcher standard and gold

P t moliwe

P t nigerian red


Dwarf american flags

and a few other bits and pieces

redwood had tris and there are panduro, biteniata and a few others floating about



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More hiding places would be handy as they can get pretty agro towards eachother. Try get a few caves going with small entrances too. You don't have to move the oto's as they won't really be a threat to the eggs but watch them so they don't get bullied too much.

Most apisto's are easy to breed as long as the water is right, you just have to hope they are good parents

What's nicest looking is really up to you.. but most available would be cockatoo's. I haven't seen agassizii mentioned recently so perhaps you could try track down some of those.

Triggers for spawning usually is a nice diet of live food and a cold water change. They eat most foods but spoil them and you should see results

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You'll need more plants and a few caves.

I had a pair of Dwarf cockatoos and they were awesome except I never raised the babies. You could also try some dwarf flags or firemouths

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Steel blues are average as..

I have kept, so I know we have:







and there were so many more that phil imported ages ago, even though most of them were mis-labelled like:

A. norbertii



and no doubt a lot more. I know for sure the first list are still around except for maybe the pebas, don't know how well they're doing since I sold them. I so wish the inka's did better as they are my favourite tropical fish of all time.

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This link has some awesome pics of Apistogramma viejita, and a cool pleco:


I really like apistogrammas but haven't had much luck with dwarf cichlids :( I had a male A. cockatoo who only lived for a year or so.

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