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Squirt turtle


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Squirt was rehomed to a place with a female turtle. They were fine together for several months and Squirt was his usual placid, relaxed self. Until female one day decided to attack him and bite chunks out of his shell. He returned a completely different turtle. Biting, scared and totally traumatised.




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Owch! :o


He's much calmer now and out in the 'boys' pond so getting plenty of those UV rays...on the odd day that summer is here....

Wounds are healing nicely. It was quite interesting doing his ABs. New technique for me. Lying him on his left side and injecting into a certain place in the skin pocket of his right back leg. Apparently all his organs fall away from the area if left side down and so less likely to damage something with the needle. Was easier then going into the leg muscle or oral ABs :)

I must do a progress photo of his wounds sometime....when I actually have some time lol :lol: :lol:

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Those ladies sure can get agro when they have a headache. I guess it is payback for the agro the males put out sometimes. Our boy is having a rest on his own at the boys club right now. He frequently has claws missing but is presently recovering from a severe bite to the snout. My partner can confirm that they have a good bite as she got caught on the inside of the forearm recently.

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They can definately make a mess during mating.

As far as we know with Squirt though it was unprovoked. He's pretty young and wasn't doing any of the flirting type behaviours towards her. :roll: ( Mind you that doesnt mean something wasn't happening when they weren't observed.) But as owner was home after surgery and not moving much out of the lounge where they were for a few weeks...it looked pretty unprovoked.

In the wild they really only come together to mate or to fight for territory...or to bask together as theres safety in numbers. So if they get a bit territorial one can move on to another spot in the pond or another pond altogether. In captivity we force them to live together in small glass tanks with no oportunity to choose who they live with... a bit like us having to live our whole lives in a bath-tub with our siblings :o I know there'd be some pretty nasty fights in my family :lol: :lol:

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good that they were watching and got them separated so quickly???(sarcasim)

8) yes I suspect it was 'left' a bit long before they seperated them when it did start to happen. It was the lack of provocation on his part that was observed.

I checked Squirt over today and theres a good layering of plaque like scabs over the areas and no sign of infection. Hes eating well and quite placid again...thank-fully :) Now if I could just get a good home for him... :roll:

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