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sick beardie


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my bearded dragon is unwell. just wondering if anyone might know whats wrong with her.

Im not sure, but i think its a girl.shes really small, but usually really lively, until the last couple of weeks.she cant walk.its got to the stage where im handfeeding her. She still has an apetite and im feeding her small frequent meals of mealworms and fruit salad, as she is quite weak.

I got priscilla and Rocky a couple of years ago as babies.they had there tails eaten off by the larger bd babies, but i have never had any problems with them til now. I was told that they wouldnt have a very long lifespan due to them having no tails.but they are very much loved pets, and hopefully it isnt anything too major.:(

any suggestions or even if you know a good vet i could take her to that deals with dragons, would be much appreciated.

thanks :(

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the tank is around 40 degrees. the fruit sallad and mealworms i have just been giving her this week as softer food in case she was constipated, otherwise she usuall has a variety of foods for her diet,including crickets and other live insects. I was thinking that if she was a girl she could be egg bound,but how would i check for that? she has always been a lot smaller than rocky, but she is fiesty and enrgetic until now.

she has been pooping ok, so i had ruled out constipation.and she gets plenty of calcium and vitamins from her diet.

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i have the reptile lights, but havnt changed it for about a year! so i better get them a new one. i also take them to there outdoor cage every sunny day, they spend a lot of time outdoors.

I have the desert sand,but not deep enough if she were to lay eggs. i never noticed her digging.

thanks everyone for your help.

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is it defecating regularly?

does it have a slight bump on its spine?

are front and back legs paralysed?

does it have trouble defecating?

do back legs tremble slightly when it tries to move?

does it have a hard lump in abdomen? (be very gentle when feeling)

have you found a vet in your area?

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she is defecating regularly

no bumps on the spine spine

all legs appear to be paralysed

no trouble defecating

no leg trembles

no lumps in her bally(I gently lay her on her back to have a feel,but there are no obstructions

thanks for the number, i will phone the vet in the morning

yes i do think natural uv is much better for them, but i keep them inside at night and when the weather is crap

thanks everyone:) :hail:

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i have made an appointment for her at the vets for tomorrow morning,$65 for consultation!yikes!...she is a lot better today,wriggling her body to move around.gave her a bath and she wasnt as impressed as rocky was,he loved it.I didnt know you could bath them.lol....she still wont take any greens,but will willingly take live foods from my hand.

heres hoping she is on the mend

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ive been misinformed from someone who told me off for having a pool in there tank when i first got them.they loved to go and bathe, but this guy told me it would cause condensation and give then pnumonia. so i took it away. they love there outdoor cage,and burrow into the hay inside the cage in the late afternoon before i put them back in there indoor tank.but im scared they will freeze to death or die from the condensation if i were to leave them out all night!lol

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but this guy told me it would cause condensation and give then pnumonia

that is a possibilty without adequate ventilation

a misting with a water spray is good though. or a bowl in their outside pen

insects direct has some good photos on here of his beardies covered in duckweed :D

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deserts like where they come from can have pretty cold nights so I figure they should be ok,they seem to be able to pick a dry spot and semi bury themselves for the night.I have my older female in with the water d`s and she spends alot of time in the water???

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i put a beardie in about 2 inch's of water last year, she put her head under and appeared to be sleeping....3minutes later :o up the head pops for a look around lol....must try find the vid

prior to this i had had one do this for over a minute but i pulled her up :oops:. but yes from what i have observed they do seem to really like a good swim and sometimes to just sit an bath/soak it up

you just dont want too much water around permanently, a shallow dish for drinking is plenty, they may use it as there toilet so small is best so you can clean/freshn up every day. I find if i have salad in there every day they dont drink neally as much and vice versa...too many baths and not alot of vege gets eaten :wink:

veges is best....moderation is key i think.

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I took priscilla to the vets today.she has a broken back! :cry: ....the vet thinks that with the reptile light being old, and not having her outside over winter, her bones have lacked the calcium. i have to inject her with calcium shots for the next week or so to see if she improves. I also have some anti-inflamatries for her.

she had xrays, and her back is broken lower down her back, two vertibraes:(

the vet said she looks like she will recovery but only time will tell

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