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Getting back into it


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Hey everyone, been 3 years without one but I'm finally getting a fish tank set up around December. I'm just going to limit myself to the one but would like to make a nice planted tank out of it. The tank will be 60cm x 50h x 45 and will have a 150W halide over it. Now, my questions are; Is Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine' easy to source (and how much will I be looking at paying for a fist sized bunch), and will this be okay under the halide or will I need to have it under some shade?

Also, I am on the lookout for a nice piece of driftwood, something along the lines of this:


Basically I'm going to have the driftwood with the fern in the middle with a carpet of hairgrass in the front with maybe some aponogeton's in the background or red barclaya.

I'm not fully sure about the types of fish I will have yet, but most probably some otto's, a few mid-depth schooler's and definitely a pair of apisto's or blue rams for the bottom. Oh and can't forget the bristlenoses :) .

So, if people have any of the above for sale in around a month and a half's time I will be very keen. With the apisto's I would really love to be reunited with some bitaeniata but other types I would also like are inca's, very colourful cockatoos, basically any with really colourful males.

Pretty sure that's all I was going to ask, but when things get a bit of momentum I shall start posting some photo's of the process.

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Good choice going planted I reckon.

I've only been in the hobby for a nearly two years now so I can't say if it was different three years ago really. What's helped me is looking through tank journals, galleries and aquascaping contest entries. There are some really wicked planted tanks out there but I can't say I've seen many with MHs.

I've got a hairgrass tank up at the moment, almost got it fully covered now. Only running one 6500k 23w CFL energy saver and DIY CO2. I too have been looking out for driftwood like that, the closest I've come is some stuff on the rocky Napier beach and it smells funny. :-?

Good luck.

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Nah that driftwood wasn't mine, wish it was though. It's just from the net.

Thanks Simon :) Hmm west coast is a bit of a travel but I may be able to get some friends to go searching for me, hopefully. Yes I love my apistos always have. Are you breeding any of your apisto's? If so, got any photos of the parents as I could be keen later on down the track.

Yea Sam I love planted tanks, I miss my old one so much, that had a halide on it and it looked awesome, the plants loved it.

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Wow, awesome idea. I reckon that will look fantastic. 8) I was just camping in Greymouth last week and there was some great driftwood there, lots like that pic you posted and some with great holes in it like cactus wood (if you have ever seen that, it is very cool). Only about 3.5 hours from here to there. :wink:

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