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Electra Vs Cuckoo


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Not sure what I've done.

Shot on iphone and plays right side up on mac but turns upside down when sent to photobucket.

I can only guess i shot it upside down and mac rights it but photobucket reads it as shot.

anyone got any ideas.

It is really interesting to watch these guys. tank has male empress and electra with 3 girls each.

When either tries to spawn the cuckoo's appear from nowhere.

What I suspect as female cuckoo will also swim around following female hap and try to get eggs straight from vent.

It really is an extremely involved process to procreate, and quite funny to watch.

I remove holding female straight away to holding tank as I've read the multi's will hatch in 72 hrs.

So far all I have achieved is a lot of red empresses and electra fry, but I'm hopeful as

At first the male haps would be quite protective but they seem to be more resigned to the interference now, and cuckoo's are definitely eating hap eggs and spawning themselves now.

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another tank maybe? :o :lol:

ive heard of breeders using a plastic grate at the bottom, and in the event of the female spitting the fry (and intruders) - all is safe cause no fish can get through the grate.

if I bred them I'd go along the same route as you and let them do their thing. :D

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another tank maybe? :o :lol:

ive heard of breeders using a plastic grate at the bottom, and in the event of the female spitting the fry (and intruders) - all is safe cause no fish can get through the grate.

was this with africans?

i ahve seen mine suck the fry through the netting of a basket so they may still be able to get at them if the crate isn't thick enough.

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yeah with africans.

the grate is the size of the tank and sits a few inches above the bottom of the tank. it basically gives you enough time to wake up the next morning, see the fry at the bottom, strip the female if need be and remove her.

that's good thinking that.

here's some pics of the cuckoo's fry eating giraffe fry.

the dark orange eggs are the giraffe eggs, lighter cuckoos.




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I would suggest stripping straight away. Set up a separate tank, use a flour sieve & air stone. The cuckoo will hatch first & attack the eggs. Cool to watch them eat eggs nealry there own size. Once all the host eggs are gone you can either strip more cichlids to feed to them or use frozen bloodworms, defrosted off course.

Frenchy :D

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