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Anyone interested in a 30cm Ornate bichir?


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No sorry i only saw 2 and at that price I persuaded myself (wasnt hard :roll: ) to get both, I have money left over from other fish sales that I am using to restock fish - is the dat really for $180 :o I might have to 'seriously' look at it, what about the juraparis I'm more interested in grabbing 2 or 3 of those, are they for sale? What good stuff does the HFF roskill have in atm, I'm looking for some more middle level fish that get largish, and are appealing, some cichlids such as the jags are good but some like dempseys and acaras arn't really me.

Im going to my roskill today to pick up some stuff, will let you know this afternoon if there is anything that you might find of interest.

I dont think you have the room for the juruparis- they need to be kept in groups, and need A LOT of open sandy swimming space, id wait until you get a bigger footprint tank :)

Or get a group of smaller ones (4-5'') and grow them out (they are as slow growing as dats)

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Jarapari's not for me, my dad really liked them so I was asking for him :D , what might you be picking up at roskill 2day 8)

I need some gravel. Barebottom just doesnt look right. if the fish were a lot bigger it would be fine, but at the moment no. then got a whole shopping list...

Might pick up another dat or sen, or maybe even an ornate...

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They are normally not for sale at all. I only know of 2 others than mine.

They are on the list, and because MAF only looks at species (not subspecies) all three P. palmas varieties could theoretically be imported. HFF albany had at least half a dozen when I bought mine about 4 years ago and Mt Roskill had a similar number, so unless they've all jumped out or choked on gravel there will be more around.

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our del at approx 24cm


Nice del LA! looks the same body shape as mine but darker in colour, do you know if all delhezis get the lump b ehind their heads? My small one doesn't (10cm) but my large one (20cm) does?

Good luck. Probably just easier to find an importer/supplier. Its not like they're rare overseas.

So would they be cheapish?

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:D:D:D , the gravel was just an excuse to go right? :roll: Awesome, let us know what you decide to get, And other fish there too please...

HFF Mt Roskill are now out of stock of Ornates 8)

They also had 3 ATs left, a couple of really small albino sens, a tyre track eel, a pictus cat a clown knife and thats about it as far as monsters go.

Will take some pics when the tank clears. The dats are uber stable now because of the gravel.

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Nice :D Just the one ornate? :wink: What colour gravel?

Yes just one ornate. tank is too small for when he grows aswell.

Brightwater gravel always :) Much better than barebottom, and prefer it to sand also.

Got two crypts and some anubias aswell for some subtle decor.

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I have a theory that if you keep that species (any type) with others of same species and feed them adequately they will grow faster due to the factor of dominance. For example: when I bought my 1st ornate he grew at an average pace, when I added the other 2 (one was a bit larger) both of the smaller ones ate a lot more and faster to gain size so that they may become the dominant fish (now one of them is bigger and the new dominant fish) - bigger = better 8) As a result of competition the fish's instinct to grow is enhanced when in groups- just a theory though, continued when I added the large ornate, smaller ones continue to eat a lot.

What do you guys think?

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No, in fact he was hesitant to eat and did not consume much at all, housed with fire eel and 3 nandus and none of them are glutonous - mystery to me, I think he may have had an internal problem though but did not show symptoms :-? Im not happy.

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Oh well part of the risk factor in this hobby :roll: Just keep trying at it I guess, reminds me - my mum bought my 1st tank when I was 11-12 and was only around 20-30L, of course I got immediately interested :roll: and bought lots of fish for my small tank, I have calculated I lost about 40 fish in that little tank (neons, angels, krib, etc and gourami's-not much luck with them) steep and expensive learning curve, but now from all my experience (5 years :P) I barely ever lose a fish and my knowledge base is a lot wider - part of the reason why I was pretty disappointed at losing the del - could always get another one :D:D :roll: - only $87 :o:cry:

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yeah I want to replace him but they are quite expensive, and would want him preferably to be larger than 10cm so he can go with my other bigger guys rather than in a grow-out. Also interested in lemon barbs, but haven't seen any around lately.

Bugger frasier. I lost a del a few weeks ago. Sucks ay :(

Oh, its Fraser, not frasier by the way bro, widout the 'i', aye :lol: - funny how everyone assumes its frasier tho or with a 'z'

Do they have any dels in roskill Atm?

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