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Mark! are these guppies Hapu?!?


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I dont mind lol, infact its exciting. gravid.jpg I can see strait through these girls and there is definetly a black spot right where that pick points.

They have settled in very well though, thanks alot I love them! Very interesting to watch in a smaller group (bit hard in your guppy soup) they all move and react at the same time its cool!

Ive been avoiding these fish ever since I got into fishkeeping a month ago, but Im really glad I got some now as Im enjoying them alot.

What would they go like with my female fighter? Id really like something (other then another fighter) that will compete for food with her. And she just loves company, the Bolivian Rams were complete wusses so she just chased them relentlessly.

Anyways thanks for the guppies Mark!

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Ive tried haha, I cant photograph these things at night, they dash off if i get the camera close enough, I guess they dont know me like my other fish who pose.

Its really nice having a constant surface fish too, brave little jumping sods they are.

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females should be okay with a male fighter, but male guppies sometimes get nippy. the fry will be a yummy snack for the fighter though. :wink:

adodge that red female wasn't very good at population control lol.. sadly she died after getting herself grazed/injured under the driftwood :-( The blue male is doing great.

Do you have any nice red finned cambodian? (female)

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hehe well it looks like Ill need to have a few fry munched up, so I can get them breeding with my male. Perhaps the cats can enjoy fresh, home grown fish. Aww I feel mean even thinking about it :P

the first time I saw a mother guppy eat her young I was horrified.. I knew it would happen but was not nice to watch! I always imagined it would be a single gulp - not so ! it was like a bite and then a couple of gulps to get the thing down her throat .. ick.

I told myself that the natural order of thigns would mean fry get eaten and the strongest and fittest will eb the survivors.. but once those little thigns are born and swimming I get all protective over them ... but not enough to separate them , I wait till a week and then put the survivors in another tank to grow.

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Well Im really wanting to try get some black body red tails going eventually, so it means a fairly large amount of culling, specially to begin with as I have no idea who knocked these girls up.

Ill have to man up lol, But Ill want the most humane way of culling, and most humane way I can think of is being eaten by other fish, is how it would work in the wild. Only instead of the strongest surviving be the smexiest.

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lol, females guppies are always hapu!

mine got on quite well with the female fighter.

Mine do as well (fresh live food :wink: ) lucky I am not trying to breed them

hehe well it looks like Ill need to have a few fry munched up, so I can get them breeding with my male. Perhaps the cats can enjoy fresh, home grown fish. Aww I feel mean even thinking about it :P

Your fighters will be your best friend :wink:

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lol great! Ill turn my fighters into murderers! :wink:


my male fighter will turn the gravel over looking for baby platy! (they dart down there to hide)

We recently had a baby platy disappear and I thought it had been eaten... till a week later we vacuumed it up in the gravel... skinny and all pintailed but still alive!!!

The fighter (who my daughter named Sayid after the soldier from Lost) must have dug him right into the gravel and he got stuck .

I took pity on the poor pathetic thing , transferred him to the fry tank and fed him up on decaps brinshrimp eggs ... he's in there with a bunch of guppy fry and I reckon he thinks he's a guppy now.. they touch noses and swim together. Think we'll have to keep him, and his name is "gravel" .. I also have a guppy called "filter boy" These are my daughters names for them

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I had the same with a bolivian ram fry, long after I though they were all gone I was vacuuming and this lil thing appeared in the bucket, had i not accidently sucked up some cory fry I wouldnt have even looked in the bucket. Put him in with Mum and Dad but I havnt seen him since :P I think he contributed his energy into the new spawn. Blighters dug holes everywhere too, uprooted half my plants.

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