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lighthood blowing - stinky electrical burning smell?


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well i turned on the light on my jebo tank for the comp today, and a few minutes later it stunk the house out with a nasty burning electrics smell and the light turned off. Now i'm fairly sure the bulb is ok, is that what happens when the starter thingy needs replacing or is it more serious? The hood is really banged up and old, came with no bulbs second hand, and i only put one of the two bulbs in, that wouldn't cause it would it?

Anyway where do i go from here, bother replacing the starters and trying or do i need to pull it to bits and look for something else wrong?

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bought it dirt cheap second hand.... just been trying to find one on trademe to replace.

i put it in the bin pile, partner pulled it back out, took it apart, declared it fixed, plugged it back in and stunk out the house for a second time..men ah :roll:

will try hff in the morning to see if they can order one in, but i suspect it'll be cheaper to buy another tank second hand and then sell the lightless one. Still be fine for a quarintine tank or something.

At least they're pretty common tanks.

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