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What type of fish to add to my tank


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Hi there

My tank currently has neon tetras, guppies, long finned zebra danios, 3 platys and a bristlenose. I want to add a couple of other fish that are bigger than these to add some balance.

Am considering kribensis, dwarf or honey gourami, or bolivian ram. Could you please let me know if these fish would be okay with what I already have and if so, should I get a pair?

Many thanks for your help.

My tank 60 x 30 x 30.

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Are you planning on moving any fish? That's quite a heavily stocked tank based on their adult sizes. The platies will get bigger than a dwarf gourami and almost as big as the Bol. Rams.

I have two Bol. Rams and two Ottos in my 60x30x30 tank and don't plan on adding anything else incase the Bols breed.

If the guppies are fancy then the Kribs might attack them (like my former Kribs did to my fighter (viewtopic.php?f=25&t=41125):x) and so may breeding dwarf gouramis. I'm not sure what you mean about balance? Tanks usually look best with many schooling fish rather than a few feature fish.

Good thing Caryl isn't an army recuiter :wink:

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Hey I didn't suggest anyone join in the way of signing up to anything, I meant join as in participate with. If anyone comes along with us on Saturday and then decides to join the Dunedin Aquarium & Pond Society then they will find it well worth it! :wink:

The others are correct though, the tank is too small for more additions. You must remember all those fish are going to grow plus the live bearers will keep producing more fry every 4 - 6 weeks.

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Thanks for your replies. I am looking at getting a larger tank in the very near future. In the meantime, could someone please give me advice about which type of fish would go with the ones I already have. Nobody really answered that question. I see that most people like to stick to one type or size of fish, but I guess everyone is individual and I quite like to see varieties. I have lots of different animals at home, because I like them all. Dunedin group sounds great. Unfortunately I have visitors for the weekend, so won't be able to attend. Will keep my eyes open for any other info about it though.

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we have the same fish as you as well as all the others in our signature and it's a very happy friendly tank.....we did get rid of the angels though as our dwarf gourami started hiding a lot and our tetras went pale and started getting chunks ripped out of them, so I wouldn't suggest angels unless they're teany weany.

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Thank you. Yes I did start out with a little Angel fish (was told she would be fine in my tank), but it didn't take long for her to start harrassing the others, so I have rehomed her. After reading things on this forum I decided I didn't want to wake up one day to find she had eaten my neons. I really miss her though, as she was very pretty to watch.

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We looked at getting dwarf gourami for our community tank (which is the same size as yours). When I asked on here, a lot of people warned that they may get quite aggressive towards the other fish (and it seems they get more aggressive as they get older). We decided not to risk it, but other people seem to keep them with no problems. Having said that, we specifically tried to get a peaceful tank with compatible fish (currently only has harlequin rasboras and panda corys), and we ended up with a killer harlequin, who wiped out four of his tank mates before we realised what was happening, so there's always an element of luck involved!

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