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Zev's big Day


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Well basically I want something as a complete unit, dont wanna fart about too much with something im not completely familar with. And also I really want to keep that water flow as low as possible.

I guess what evers cheap enough then, and restrict it with sponge?

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jfishfanatic is 100% correct.

The eggs that the female has dropped in the tank will not be fertile. This is because when the male wraps around the female and embraces (squeezes) her he releases milt (sperm) which fertilises the eggs as they are released by the female. No milt/no fertilised eggs!

If she is dropping eggs it is because she is ready to spawn and too full of them.

Take her away for about 11 days and then try again.

Not all attempts at spawning are successful.

Not all fighters will breed with each other, like humans just because you like someone it doesn't mean you want to attempt to breed with them.

Sometimes one or both fighters are too young.

Sometimes the male is an egg eater.

The bigger the tank for spawning the harder it is for the male to seduce the female as he has to swim further to attract her attention. Better to keep them in a smaller tank.

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you have yours in dividers right sam? I found they didnt really seem like they wanted to breed till they couldnt see each other all the time. Infact, Zev wouldnt make a nest at first while she was anywhere in sight. Its the dashing to look at her then racing back to the nest that really got things started though, but still, I made her, even in the bottle I had her, there was plenty of hiding places.

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Welcome back ADodge :D .

I have still had no luck with breeding, must just be me though. :-?

Bad luck Sam

I popped a pair of ct together on Sunday morning, let her out of the container on Sunday night. When I got home from work yesterday afternoon they had spawned and this evening the fry have hatched and are now keeping dad very busy picking them up and putting them back in the nest.

However the pair of ct and the pair of mustard gas plakats I put together yesterday are still only remotely interested in each other so we will see.

And this is from someone who was going to slow down breeding fighters and only breed twice a year!!! :oops:

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lol Sam im with you there, these past 3 days have been exhausting, mentally draining. Ive been fussing though but I always will, its weird to love something so small and fishy lol. I was a mess after my first fighter died and I didnt even have him a week!

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:o How do you do it ADodge? :hail:

Maybe I could lend you my Super Delta Pair, you breed them, raise the fry and give them back to me? :wink:

I was actually trying to point out that it doesn't always work. :lol:

My shed that only had 2 tanks up 8 days ago now has 7 running - 4 fighter tanks, a discus breeding tank, a L270 setup and a young sterbai quarantine tank.

Fighter breeding will happen for you both, you just have to be patient and leave them alone to do their thing.

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