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Bristlenose Plecs


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When do these start developing their bristles. I bought 2 from Animates a while ago, and neither have any bristles. So, at the moment I'm assuming that they are either

A: juveniles

B: female

or of course both A and B...

But, if they are male, I'd like to know then the bristles develop.


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Also do you have bristlenoses? or Plecos?

Bristlenose males grow bristles females don't, but plecos don't grow bristles at all and grow to a much larger size.

They were bought as Bristlenose Plecostomus. So I would assume(hope) that they are Bristlenose.... The largest is about 4cm, but nothing showing. The other is about 3cm, and again nothing.


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3-4cm is too little. You might see some tiny buds around the side of their face that small, but that's about it. Usually there will be nothing, then suddenly they'll have reasonably big ones, seemingly overnight! Once they are about 2mm long, they start to slow down again, but do go through bursts of growth.

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