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Broody Hen


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Ohk, so one of my hens has gone broody (clucky) and I've ordered her some eggs to sit on, will arrive in the next few days so she is currently incubating golf balls. lol

Anyway she has chosen a high nest - over 1 metre off the ground! So when the chicks hatch it's going to be quite a mission to get down....

I waited until it was dark tonight to try and move her and her golf balls to a lower nest box... and well, she's a persistent little mother! In complete darkness she managed to climb her way back up to the high nest, so I moved the golf balls back... I don't know what to do!

I know a few of you guys are chicken keepers so I was hoping someone would be able to suggest something!



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what breed of hen is it?

i won't hard to get down, gravity is a powerful thing. if she is persistant about that position i may be best to keep her there, how about putting a box or something to make it a smaller drop or add a pile of shredded paper where they will land when it comes time to hatch to soften the landing. birds often nest in stupid places but in most cases the chicks survive.

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i won't hard to get down, gravity is a powerful thing.

Haha I meant a mission to get down safely ;)

Breed wise shes just a backyard hen - no particular breed though judging by the way she's built and her feathering she'd have Wyandotte in her :roll: typical

The box idea is a goodie, thanks for that I'll see what I can do - three weeks to come up something!

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put a box over her and move the whole lot together, she may get off though

best is to leave her where she is, time the hatching and when she has hatched all then move them to ground

Hmmm might give that a go but chances are she'll make them jump while I'm at work or something! :roll:

Want any Roosters Mark?? lol

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yes i will swap you

you give me one and i will give you 2 back in exchange :wink:

repto is right she will sit on them a day before they do the plummet

they are light and fall well :D

Are you suuuureee you don't need more?! I'm sure I have some breeds you don't have down there! 8)

Yeah I know she would sit on them after hatching - up to 48 hours. I leave my chicks in the incubator for up to 48 hours... But yeah I might try that box idea.. and see how we go.

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ah, roosters. i had to get rid of mine when they became adolescents as they attacked my little girl :cry:

she was just two & one got behind her down the driveway & kept stabbing her in the back. he got her about 6 times before i could get to her. :x

Ummm what breed was that! lol

Rhode Island?? They're notoriously agro like that - though the boy I sold about a month ago (bought by someone who I swear ate him) was nice as pie and was half Rhode Island.

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+1 move the whole box. I have had some success doing that at night, with a sock over the girl's head so she cant' see where she's going. The problem you may find is when they get off for a poo they get confused and go back to the old nest site so you have to supervise their first few trips off the nest to make sure they get back to the right place.

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