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silly queston?


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What does Cichlid actually mean? What is the special thing about this species? I'm fairly new to the fish world...so I think I'm still allowed to ask silly questions... I hope! :oops:

Can these fish be kept in an ordinary community tank or are there certain things which are special?

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It means the lid on your container needs taking to the doctor.

Well, :roll:

That's how it is pronounced anyway.

It's just a designated name for a classification of a family of fish.

Some C are suitable as community fish, but choose their tank mates carefully.

Research the ones you see in the LFS, and would like; on the puta.

Lots of these grow to a ridiculously huge fish, and also viscious-as, so buyer beware, otherwise you'll be needing new tanks quickly.

What is the special thing?


I think it is the shapes, colouration, behaviour, and probablyy most of all, their various breeding behaviours, and different techniques.

The main one I think is the mouth-brooders, absolutely amazing. Especially for first-timers.

Are there special "things" required.

Well yes, pH in my mind, a lot come under the acid side of it, but there are also a lot on the alkaline side, with these in mind of course comes the softness or hardness of the water.

Once again, do your research before you buy.

Your final part about a "silly question".

The only silly question is your question that you don't ask! ! :roll:

Are you in an area where there is a fish-club.

If so, join it, they, I'm sure will be able to keep an eye on what you are doing and help you thru various problems that arise in lots of cases.

Alan 104

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I suggest you join the North Shore club Susi. They meet in the Sunnynook Community Centre, 148 Sycamore Dr. Sunnynook 1st Tuesday of the month (except Jan) 7.30pm. Their president is Kim from Pupuke Aquariums.

Their fees are $30 - family; $20 senior/senior citizen partnership or $15 senior citizen or junior. Their editor puts out a helpful newsletter too.

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  • 1 year later...

See my post above.

I can't be much clearer.


Generally no they can't.

But there are some that can be kept in a com. tank.

There are ones that come from hi pH levels and others from Low pH levels

Of course this is where your ??? come in, and also doing research on the fish that your thinkng about making a home for.

Alan 104

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