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Got my 1st catfish


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I just had to get one :lol:

This was plan this morning......Start adjusting my 2 small goldfish to the outside pond, then go to town and find a nice looking cold water fish to accompany my 4 whitecloud mountain minnows.

Both places in Dargaville had nothing....go figure!!!! :roll:

Ended up coming home with my 1st ever catfish....he/she is the neatest thing :lol:

I was going to put it in a small tank and gradually lower the temp untill it was ready for the cold tank...I didn't have the heart to put him in a tank all by himself, so put the heater in the small tank with the minnows and he is now happliy scooting around.

Meanwhile :oops: I set up my bigger tank ready for anything I might catch, while searching in our fresh water streams......no luck there!!!

So, I am here with a large tank set up with drift wood etc....looks really good.....but no fish.

I am really tempted to put the fish in the big tank.....and give into the urge to go tropical LMAO.

I only have 1 heater though....is it ok to warm up the big tank, and leave the other one t(he fish are in) going cold?

Probably confused ewveryone by now LOL :wink:

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I'm just learning so I don't know if catfish like cold water - and it probably depends on the type anyway. You could add warm water to the big tank to take the chill off. Maybe boil the jug, mix it with some colder water so you don't crack the glass, add chlorine remover if its needed. Once it was warm enough you could put the catfish and heater in. The WCMM don't mind it cold.



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Have done so, and all are happily zoomin around the big tank....even the cat has come out of hiding. Great because he/she is very pretty.

I was told in another post that they could adjust to cold water???

I am convinced I have to go tropical now though.....would love some colourful guppies etc.

I have caught the bug well and truley HELP HELP!!! :hail:

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