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Stupid Fluval...


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Why must you have two different impellers for 404s?

Down to my last working 404, the impeller is falling apart so it jams up and stops working and the lfs is having a hard time getting me the correct, older curved blade impeller.

Maybe I should just ditch it and upgrade to a CF1200 instead.

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the second one is what the 05 uses. most of the fluval parts are interchangeable - so maybe it will work fine?

Maybe after boring out the hole in the head the impeller slots into to make space for the larger diameter magnet and enlarging the pump chamber for the wider impeller...But I think not. I might be wrong though since I haven't compared them side by side.

Yeah, the later 404s and the 405s do use the same impeller, but not the earlier ones.

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Ok, it appears that the importer(Brooklands, I think it was) does not have any in stock. Sooo, I'm thinking I'll just buy another CF1200. Someone was saying they bought one from some place in Nelson for a good price? I can't find the post though.

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dixon your 405 didn't have those parts to start off with!

yes. true ira. they are expensive, bu i suppose I think they are worth it.

but hey you can now sell your 404 or keep it as a backup

If it was usable as a backup I wouldn't be replacing it. And I'm not into spending $250 extra for an additional vague "I suppose it's worth it..." when I can save the money and have a definite "Works well."

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Installing the new one now. There have been a few little tweaks of the packaging and contents since I bought one last time. They now include an extra coarse sponge and the plumbing elbows you'd assume would be 90° and which were in the previous ones...Are now more like 75°. Kind of annoying.

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