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Hi Guys,

Not sure if any of you know about this but I have a problem...

One of my love birds passed away last night unexpectedly. And Now I have one lovebird that is sulking in his cage and chirping but theres no one to chirp back he is all fluffed up and depressed.

I know with lovebirds they find a "soulmate" but now Im not sure what to do...

Do I get him another friend straight away?

Do I have to do anything special when introducing this new lovebird?

Is there anywhere that sells just one indivdual lovebird (pet shops sell them in pairs) The ones i know of any ways.

Its heartbreaking seeing him all sad by himself they were so good together.

Sorry I know its nothing to do with fish but the pet stores that I have spoken to know nothing so I thought there maybe someone on here who knows a little.

And I also know a couple of you have birds - although I think much bigger than lovebirds :P


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I don't do lovebirds myself but when I introduce cockatiels I completely rearrange the imcumbent's cage to disrupt its sense of territory and put the new one in a cage close by so they can look at each other and get used to the idea. You have to quarantine anyway so it might as well serve some purpose in their introduction

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Thanks Guys.

I dont have a spare cage to put next to each other so I have just been slowly putting them near each other for the past hour as they are both really tame and fine to handle so I take one out and have one in so they can smell each other and I have just put them together now.

The original boy is a little bit nipy but hopefully that passes. With the new one Im not sure if he is male or female as lovebirds need to be dna tested however the lady thinks she is a female. Even if its a male they should still get on fine :)

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