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Pet Names


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I dont know if there is or has been a thread on this in the past, but as Im considering getting more fish now, and take great pride in naming my pets, I thought Id start a thread where people can list their current pets name, or possible names, even some stories behind some of your current pets names.

Moses = My Border Collie X Golden Retriever. I pulled him out of a river when he was just a puppy, unfortunetly I couldnt save his brothers and sisters too, Moses kinda fit coz I tried so hard to save him i might as well have parted water.

Douglas (dougie) = My ginger cat, nicknamed Lord Douglas of Greeton by the vet nurse. Predesessor of Angus my first ginger tom.

Pablo = My sisters rat, I put this here coz i name all her pets lol, Pablo is spanish for Paul and latin for little one.

Coby = My new VT Betta, speaking to his previous owner he was supposed to be cobolt coloured, but hes more violet, Id already chosen Coby for the colour cobolt but when I seen him he just seemed like a Coby lol, you know how that is some times, they almost name themselves. Im hoping I can get a blue VT female to breed him with, Ill call her Sora, Japanese for Sky (love the japanese names)

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Nokkie= (No-Key), Nick name is Noke Poke, Big Long Haired Black Cat with a Spot of White on his Chest, Brought him from the Pet Shop here in Levin. He's the Boss.

Casey= Nick Name is Moochy Boy, Big Ginger and White Fluffball of a Cat :o Got him from the SPCA in Waikanae a couple of weeks after having to get my Kitten put to sleep after she drank Antifreeze :o From the moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew he was the one for me, sounds very Romantic doesn't it :lol: Pick him up a few minutes after we meet, and he started biting my Ear Lobe :o :lol:

Whiskey= Nick Name is Whikky, Ginger and White Short Haired Cat, He Walked up the driveway to our House one day, we never found his Owner, and he's been with us ever since.

Hayley= Nick Name is Bubby, Only Female Cat, Long Haired Tortishell, Her Mum is a Winning Show Cat, a Birman, and her Dad was a Tabby that apparently jumped the Fence. Brought her from Wet Pets in Palmy.

Max= Nick Named Max a Million, Big Fluffy Grey Boy, I inherited him and Blackie, another Male Cat, when my Nana Passed away the Week before Christmas. Blackie dissappeared and I have no idea where he is :cry:

Missy= Nick Named Missy Mischief, she is a Black Lab, Her Mum was a Black Lab, her Dad was a Rottweiler, Staffy, German Shepard Cross.

Ivory= Albino Lop Earred Male Rabbit, his partner was Ebony, I used to breed these Rabbits for Animnates, unfortunately Calcivirus wiped out Mum and the Last Litter of Kits :cry:

Then of course, I have all of My Fish, far to many to Name.

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LOL! Animals have always been a big part of my life too, when I was a kid I has untold sick penguins, seaguls, black back gulls, and even at one stage a grey herron. As well as my bathtub of mud crabs I used to have to haul 3 ltrs of clean salt water to every morning before school from the harbour in ohiwa. I dont think Ive ever bought an animal tho apart from 2 goldfish when I was 7 and a pack of sea monkeys about a year later, all rescue cases. I dont think theres any thing more rewarding then helping an unfortunate animal get back on its feet and lead a happy and healthy life.

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I just did left me a lil speachless (or typeless?) My first thought was AWWW, then WOW coz it really could have caused a huge accident, I nearly had a head on with a 18 wheeler once trying to avoid one, I would have too had the silly swamp chicken not continued running towards my truck.

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haha maybe, Dougie my Ginger did a whiskers commercial that hasnt been aired yet when he was still a kitten, and my unlcles curly coat retriever did a skit on the homles show a long time ago, he was called Holmes and the likeness was uncanny, specially when the make up ppl have him a collar with on of Pauls famous stripey ties, and the glasses of course.

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Haha doug wont touch the stuff, was hard for the Ad too, they wanted me to more or less starve him coz the first day he just wasnt interested in it, in the end he wasnt acually eating whiskers lol, it was Hills science diet lol SHHH!

Although I dont think the ad will be air, it was 3 years ago now that they filmed it, it was on the website for about 6 months tho, and Ive got a copy and I cashed the pay check (got doug a bed, scratching post, big bag of dry food and his balls removed when he was old enough lol)

Im going to get a Panda Corydora on Tuesday, trying to think of a name, I wonder how many are called Corey and Dora :P

Any suggestions? what are they like personality wise?

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I think there is a thread on this but I'll play again..

We have 5 cats:

Murphy - the old girl. A ginger cat who was found my hubby at one of his former workplaces years ago. So we really have no idea how old she is. We originally thought she was a HE hence the name Murphy after Greg Murphy (we'd been watching the V8's that day and Murph had won :D)

Yoda - 5 year old big black white male who's currently snoozing on my lap. He's quite unique because his tail curls up over his back. He came to us as a kitten from friends who still have his mum.

Willow - 3 year old gentle little torbie female. Named after Willow from the Buffy the vampire slayer character. She was adopted from the SPCA and has the most gorgeous nature. She loves her mummy heheh

Orion - Named after the Orion nebula, he's a 2 year old big tubby tabby male with the softest fur ever. He also came to us from the SPCA as a kitten. I'd seen earlier in the day about how the SPCA were overrun by kittens and they had a big picture on the front page of the Southland Times with all these tabby kittens so I thought we've got the space! He's a bit split personality though, one minute happy as, the next minute grumpy!

And finally Ariane - named after the Ariane 5 rocket, she's a black & white female. She was an impulse buy from the local pet store. Normally I wouldn't buy a kitten from a pet store but I thought there was something cool about her.

Then we have the dogs:

Bob (Formerly known as Spongebob, I did not name him, my old flatmate did as he was originally her dog) - he's a black lab crossed with something, probably sheep dog. My flatmate saved him from her crazy mum who was going to have him and his sibling shot. She had him for a couple of years but then moved to Gisborne, leaving the dog temporarily in the care of a friend, who then got sick of him and threatened her that if he wasn't gone by the weekend she was going to have him shot too. So thats where hubby & I stepped in and he's been with us ever since.

Last year he got lucky with the neighbours bull mastiff and created Jayde.. our nearly 1 year old Black lab bull mastiff x!

I generally don't name my fish unless they are very distinguishable, such as Bert the rainbow shark.

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well our BN have been named 4 times now :o

They are now Jerry and Silly BN

We only have two fish named

they are the babies so they get called lil guy

The rest get called what ever the kids feel like it at the time

Sometimes bob and other times Rory.

We also have five cats

there names are

Sprite,Mitzi,Jake,Sammie,Kitty kitty 8)

we have my parents dogs who come and stay all the time and they are called Jools and muzz

Then we have the ants who won't leave even after trying every way to kill the suckers of.

After giving up they have left us alone but still pop in to say hi

we just call them the invaders

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