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Feeding Fighters


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Any tips on feeding fighters frozen or dried food? My lil guy ate all his live Dafinia yesterday evening, Ive tried feeding him a tiny pinch this mornin of the dried ones and hes just not interested without them trying to escape. Theres a tiny amount of current in the water so they are moving around on the surface. I left them there for about 3 hours he didnt take any. Soon after I scoured the bucket for more live ones and came up trumps with 4 live ones, soon as they entered the tank he rushed to catch them and gobble them up, so he must be hungry.

I guess I worry too much lol

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they get snooty sometimes...

only want the best and what they feel like at the time, and if it not what they want, theyll sulk till they get it, or until they are really hungry and then they might consider a taste of what you want to offer, but only cos they want to, and it was thier idea all along...

pretty boys, they all the same :P

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when I first got my betta he had never seen pellets but after a few days he realised they were food and now gobbles them up.

he also likes frozen bloodworms and I'll be growing mozzie larvae summer for him.

He has two platy in his tank and I thought he would be good population control.. but he hasn't caught a single fry!

(if anyone wants 6 platy fry - let me know! they're my daughters and she would like a dollar or two for all of them)

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I guess Ill just be patient and keep an eye on him, if he hasnt eaten anything by tomorrow Ill get some more live daphnia for him. He looked tempted at the tubifex but then came back and stared at me again as if to be asking for those live ones lol, I wouldnt be so worried if he came to me healthy but hes really really skinny

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yeah its freeze dried, its the movement factor Im sure, that tubifex doesnt just float on the surface, it kinda movies around in any currents, he eats any bit he can see moving randomly. I have a bucket outside getting green, going to get some live daphnia going in there. I'll get some frozen blood worms tomorrow and see how he goes on that.

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Hi there, I have quite a few fighters and they'll eat anything I offer them. I'm just not into fussy fish, so if someone turns its nose up at a particular food, they don't get offered anything else. It's a pain in winter if you've got a fussy fish who won't eat anything except live daph, for example! And I've never had a fish starve – they'll eat when they're hungry (which, in most bettas' case, is most of the time – they'll quite happily eat themselves into a stupor if you allow them to, which often ends up causing blockages!). :wink:

Fighters also love cooked shelled peas, which are very good for their digestion (i.e. good for the above-mentioned blockages) – cook 'em, shell 'em, squash 'em up with your finger and drop bits into the tank (1/2 - 1 whole pea per betta). I feed peas usually once a week and every fish that I've got will have a go. :)

Variety is the key, I think. I have about 6-7 different types of dried foods (flakes, granules etc.) which are their staples, and then I supplement a couple of times a week with frozen or live food. Make sure that the food you offer is good quality, though, and always keep dried foods with their lids properly on, otherwise they'll spoil.

Hope this helps. :)

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Mine is pretty fussy...he will only eat bloodworms. I've repeatedly tried to feed him frozen brineshrimp, pellets, flakes but NADA! He will suck in the brineshrimp, but then he spits them out everytime. He's like one of those prissy cats you see in the commercial!

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ADodge! You're supposed to be on holiday! :o :lol:

But yeah, she's right. Fighters can and will be picky at first, most fish don't each much when they're new anyways, but they'll soon get over it.

I am on holiday but one can only walk for so many hours a day - 7 hours today- and then we had to get away from the daily thunderstorm and downpour.

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