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New planted Nano Project


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My big tank is all finished now, just got to enjoy it and wait for my Datnoid to grow...

So new project. Ive failed miserably whenever ive had go at plants before due to many reasons, main one being that plants were never a focus and I didnt do too much to provide them with the right conditions...

The plan:

60x20x20 long, shallow nano, kind of like a shell dweller tank.

Going to have tinted glass all round except the front (reduces algae from window light, and looks the biz too) with black silicone.

I have one of those small jebo 9 or 13w (will have to check) lights that works nicely, 6500k.

Filtration will be my mini jebo hang on filter, 250lph, so 9-10x turnover.

Ill use flourish and excel as ferts and may give the sera c02 tab defuser another go (still got tablets left)

What substate is good for plants? Ill be going for low to medium light plants like crypts, any suggestions?

and fish, what fish? common fish dont really do it for me, was thinking of dwarf puffers or a pair of apistogramma or something.

Im getting all excited now :bounce:

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For fish I'd go with a pair or 2 of blue or gold rams or a pair of Dwarf Cockatoos with a school of tetras (rummynose or something like that) and a small group of a smaller cory with a few ottos to clean the bottom.

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For fish I'd go with a pair or 2 of blue or gold rams or a pair of Dwarf Cockatoos with a school of tetras (rummynose or something like that) and a small group of a smaller cory with a few ottos to clean the bottom.

That much? despite being 2ft its only going to be 30L... much like the aquaone panorama tanks...

a breeding pair of cockatoos would be nice...

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I'd say go for the smallest gravel possible, one step up from sand - so the roots can spread easily and new shoots can come up quicker. Or, alternatively, go for sand - but sand will stir up and look bad, plus fish poo sits ontop and looks manky. I'd recommend a sub-substrate fertilizer like some JBL fert balls, JBL AquaBasis or Daltons Aquatic Mix. Colour wise, some people say light gravel reflects the light back up, increasing the amount of light hitting the plants. But black looks mean, makes the fishes colour more vivid and the detritus will be less obvious.

I'd go with Flourish Excel for CO2 (available carbon), and Flourish Comprehensive for micro nutrients. You'll only need about 0.5ml of Flourish every 3rd day, and about 0.5 of Comprehensive every 6th day (or divide it up and dose daily if you're that way inclined). Depending on how heavily planted, stocked, and water changed the tank is you may need more or less. Get yourself an eye dropper from the chemist, they're about 50 cents.

If possible upgrade the lighting as well, a wide, even light would be the best, not sure which Jebo unit you're talking about, but with 20w+ you could grow a lot more. Good reflectors help as well ;D. Luckily for a tank of your size you'll probably only need to be up in the 30-40w region to grow Glosso and the other carpet type plants. The problem I've run into is the less light you have, the skinnier/spindlier the plants and leaves are, so why not upgrade ;D.

Stocking, I'd say if you're going for a planted tank then keep the stocking really low, will mean less water changes and less fert wastage. A pair of Sparkling Gouramis (2-3cm) look wicked against a lush green backdrop - plus they'll sing to each other ;].

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Thanks Romeo thats helpful :)

I ordered the tank today, going with 25cm height rather than 20cm. It will look stunning even bare :D

Will look at upgrading the lighting .

Im a fan of pool filter sand and that reflects light really well, will try and find some fine black gravel :)

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For my new nano tank I just got some black basalt substrate online and it looks great. It is 1 to 3mm so not quite a sand but is very fine. The plants that I planted 10 days ago are doing well so far.


Not sure what stock to get for it. I like the idea of a small loach and school of small tetras, not sure what would look best though.

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For my new nano tank I just got some black basalt substrate online and it looks great. It is 1 to 3mm so not quite a sand but is very fine. The plants that I planted 10 days ago are doing well so far.

Where online did u get the substrate? Was it expensive?

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I got it on TM from some pet supply people who sell all kinds of substrates. It was called 'Charcoal Grit' and it was $12.50 for 5kg plus $7.50 for shipping (I was initially charged $12.50 for shipping but when I got the parcel it said $7.50 on the postage sticker so I queried the seller who apologised for the overcharge and refunded the $5). Kinda pricey if you had a big tank but the 5kg was perfect for the nano tank and I like how fine it is. It is VERY dusty though so I would recommend rinsing it way beyond what you think you will need to...I rinsed it a lot but every time I disturb it I get cloudy water - easily remedied with the fine filter wool but still it is a pain.

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In our AR380 we have two Sparkling Gourami's (male and female) and a female Bristlenose (doesn't get as big as the male). They all get along fine and it is so cool hearing the Gourami's croak. Plus they're beautiful fish and really inquisitive and will come up to the front of the tank and look at you looking at them :lol: I've found most anabantoids to be like that.

Good luck with your project :)

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Went round 4 lfs today and couldnt find any sparkling gouramis...

not to worry, Ill be needing someone to house my guppy feeder breeders :)

Im going to go with specialised plant substate, like the JBL stuff ($40 a bag) or the flourish stuff ($90 a bag) to give me the best start :)

Tank should be finished this week and ill be picking it up on the weekend. Will make this thread my photo journal :)

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Went round 4 lfs today and couldnt find any sparkling gouramis...

not to worry, Ill be needing someone to house my guppy feeder breeders :)

Im going to go with specialised plant substate, like the JBL stuff ($40 a bag) or the flourish stuff ($90 a bag) to give me the best start :)

Tank should be finished this week and ill be picking it up on the weekend. Will make this thread my photo journal :)

We're struggling to find any more Sparkling Gouramis around Christchurch.

Looking forward to seeing the pics :)

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Wow, you're going all out aren't you? This tank holds 24L, correct?

Hopefully I'm getting a 35x30x30cm tank made soon, to got along side my 3 footer. Nothing fancy, maybe a Riccia and/or Glosso tank.

All out is the only way to go :wink:

Many people think nanos are easy, but they are sooo much harder than huge tanks!

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It has begun. Picked up tank and substrate today, along with a new timer and thermom.

Light arrived yesterday.


24L (6.4g) 60Lx25Hx20D, rimless except for bracing at ends, no covers. Black silicone, tinted glass allround except front.


Aquaone AL20, 15000k bulb. 20W gives 3.1wpg, should be good for most plants.


JBL Aquabasis plus (the cheapest) only ended up needing needing one bag to give me a 2.5cm deep layer. Picking up some gravel tomorrow to go on top. Might go for black sand.

Heater: Aquaone 55w at 26C

Filter: Will be an aquaclear 20 (if i win it on trademe tomorrow) otherwise will be my trusty Jebo 501 - both give about 250Lph, so just over 10x turnover.

Water will go in on saturday, and will go plant shopping on sunday :)

My Baby angels and breeding guppies will be going in this tank.

Pics coming in next post

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Cheers guys. I just moved the thermometer, cheers Sam :)

Not sure what Im going to grow yet. Going to put all my Vals in, either spread along the back, or in a bunch at the back.

Other than that, not sure on specific plants, except No java ferns (got heaps in the other tank), no ambulia (grows too fast, too much trimming) or stargrass (damages and rots too easily)

General plan is to have it slowly building up in height to the back, with a central front triangle area carpeted. will be a lot of changing around no doubt.

Then theres going to be no ferts for a month, with 9 hours light a day, then will give the Sera Co2 Tablets and diffuser another go to see if it actually works, then onto flourish and excel failing that.

Any other tips? I suppose a lot depends on what plants I get eh.

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