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Ideal Prices


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Importers total landed cost + 50% + cost of shipping / handling to you....

obviously you would get a discount if you purchased more, and at these levels I would expect a minimum purchase ammount of maybe $100 at a time.

for most things I think $30-40 would be plenty, if the importer was prepared to frag some things up into "Discount frag packs" then cheaper again..... I have seen acro colonies that could easily be fragged at the import station.

would this option get more people into the hobby....


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The 'wholesale' prices I know about seem fair to me. I am happy to pay them, and have done so for many many many thousands of dollars.

Its that extra 100% + that goes to the shop on top of that is my only point of resistance.

Freight is a cost to the buyer, handeling covered in the wholesale price.


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Bit of an understatement there Pies...

The 'wholesale' prices I know about seem fair to me. I am happy to pay them

Of "course" you don't mind paying wholesale... but something that is available to only a selected few :)

Just wonder what the Fresh Water trade would be like if we all had access to WS prices... possibly non-existent.


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Personally I think 100% markup for importer, and around 50 to 60% for retailer is fair. Probably averaging to around 60 to 70 dollars for most stuff.

Peter, I don't really think we want acro "chop shops" on imports. Frags are a space in the market which need to be meet by hobbyists, or commercial aquaculture I think.


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Not my ideal prices, just prices on a visit to the Uk. If I was earning UK wages then they would be very good :D

this should be in the commercial section anyway.




think blood pressure

think blood pressure



the relaxed one


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Tell you what. Find me a wholesaler that will give me a 100% money back guarentee on every fish I buy, not dying on route, not dying on arrival, not causing a disease outbreak, not dying in my care, not dying for at least 1 year after I sell it and not costing me anything to keep then I will go that extra mile and sell it at wholesale +10%. You can't ask fairer than that.

While you are at it, tell the land lord I ain't paying the rent, find me staff that work for free and take the food out of my kids mouths.

It's the standard rule of retail. 80% of your income comes from 20% of your customers. It applies to fish as well. 80% of your fish sales come from 20% of your fish stock. But who would go to a fish shop that only stocked 20% of the varietys of fish available.

Since some of you guys are so concern with price I will put some JBL marine supplements and test kits and Instant Ocean salt mix on trade me. W/S + 50% for me +12.5% for Aunty Helen and Co and only $5 freight to you. All things considered it should sell like wildfire (that will show me).

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Pegas Wrote:

Just wonder what the Fresh Water trade would be like if we all had access to WS prices... possibly non-existent.

If by freshwater trade you mean the freshwater retail trade.

Pegas: Retail prices are a 'rip off'. Now don't take that the 'wrong way'. The rip off bit is aimed at the buiness model, not at the nessessity of the store to charge what it needs to charge.

Why does the retailer need to buy from the wholesaler? Why does the wholesaler refuse to sell to the end line customer. A classic case of one hand washing the other. The internet is distroying this 'old skool' business model, and the sooner the better.

Sorry of you shop owners/wholesalers don't like it but its the way things are heading. The internet, 'hobby business' and direct marketing are all eating away at your profits.

Want to avoid it? You can. Buy direct, sell direct - if you don't someone else will.

Petplanet wrote:

W/S + 50% for me +12.5% for Aunty Helen and Co and only $5 freight to you. All things considered it should sell like wildfire (that will show me).

You have missed the point. I don't want to pay W/S+ 50% (although Layton may buy something from you). I want to pay 'wholesale' prices, full stop. I can't avoid that 12.5% to Helen as you put it, but sure ain't giving you 50% just for the pleasure of buying it.


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Yellow Tang - $115

Sixline Wrasse - $40

Clownfish - $25

Chromas - Been given 3 never brought one? $20 or less

Blue Tang - $50

Coral Bueaty - $60

Antheas - $40+

Of course size may change the cost?

You would get no compaint from me at those prices.


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Pies, I know what you're saying. But I still think there needs to be an avenue for new people to get into the hobby. The fact is, is that if the volume of marine sales in shops (who don't import themselves) drops, then they will more than likely stop stocking this stuff altogether.

People just don't stumble across a New Zealand web site and decide they want to start a reef, they go to a pet store, see a display, and decide that is what they want to keep. Unless of course the pet store no longer stocking marines. Surely you see what I mean? Sure it doesn't help you right now, but it may well do in the future.


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I am completely on side, completely. Shops have many positive attributes, particually regarding 'new-commers' etc. No arguement whatsoever. If we are talking about 'good shops' not the 'shonky' ones.

For me, as for many others, its the fact that for many of us there is no 'value' gained from purchasing from a store, other than a 'feel good' for supporting locally. Price followed by quality are my drivers. For equipment just price. For stock, quality is important, and as you have said before this typically means getting it into your own tank ASAP and if you can avoid the store tanks, mores the better. (even if the store tanks are OK, 1 less tank hop is less stress).

The state of 'the hobby' now, or in the future doesn't really concern me. Because in all honestly I don't think anything is going to drasticly effect it one way or the other.

I am not sure if you know it buy I/we do a lot to support this hobby in NZ. I stay tuned to this forum, perhapps partly responsible for its popularity, certainly helped get people to use it initially. I write for the FNZAS bi monthly magazine when I get a chance. My partner Jane is a comitee member for the FNZAS and travels 1 weekend every few months to attend comitee meetings. Our house is like a bus station with the people who come through every week wanting to chat, see the tank, borrow books and ask for advice.

So I am very pro this hobby, and although maybee harsh from time to time, I try and remain fair and open minded.

I belive that falsely inflated prices are in no-ones best interest (cept for the stores). I am happy to pay a fair price, and am lucky enough that I think I do. Will I pay retail as we know it today? Nope, and I will do everything and anything I can to convice others to do the same.


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Layton - North island prices are 'typically' more expensive. Alois has brought them down a bit from what I understand, and I don't have a chance to visit the shops, and if I am in auckland and have time i'd rather visit Steve or Alois then go to the stores anyway. Last time I was in Christchurch Yellow tang was $125 & and clownfish where $30 and Powder Blues where $150. Petworld, redwoods where 'refurbishing' or similar.

Last time I was in Auckland store Yellow Tang was $199, Flame Angel was $299, Clownfish was $79 (perc), Cleaner Shrimp were $89, Blue tangs where $45 small $85med. Most coral was $100 or more, often about $120.

Like I have said, I am happy to pay a fair price. Maybee the prices are getting better, certainly looks like it, which is AWESOME.


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